samedi 31 janvier 2004
Walking all over
Lord, I need a backbone tomorrow. I need to stand up and fight. Thanks in advance, your daughter.
"If any of you has a dispute with another, dare he take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the saints? Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, appoint as judges even men of little account in the church! I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers? But instead, one brother goes to law against another--and this in front of unbelievers! The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers."
- 1 Corinthians 6:1-8
Intergrals and antiderivatives
I need to take a break from Sociology homework. So here's something fun for you all to see:
ƒ (pretend this is an intergral sign, without the dash)
ƒ 2pi
0 cos x/4 dx
= ƒ 2pi
0 cos 1/4x dx
= 4 sin 1/4x] 2pi
= [4 sin 1/4 (2pi)] - [4 sin 1/4 (0)]
= 4 sin pi/2 - 4 sin 0
= 4 (1) - 4(0)
= 4
m = x1/2 + 2 (9, 10)
m = f'(x)
f'(x) = x1/2 + 2
F(x) = x1/2 + 1 / 3/2 + 2x + C
y = 2/3x3/2 + 2x + C
(10) = 2/3 (9)3/2 + 2 (9) + C
10 = 18 + 18 + C
-26 = C
y = 2/3x3/2 + 2x - 26
Amazing how stuff like this flies out of your brain so quickly isn't it? I no longer have a single clue what this stuff means. Seeing this makes me appreciate my classes all the more right now :) Well, I'm off to see Win a Date. Then I have to be at church tomorrow morning at 7am - oh the inhumane time!
Libellés : college
vendredi 30 janvier 2004
Change of heart
Could it be? Could God be calling me to stay at my college? I know I've complained before on my blog about problems I've had with school, and that at one point, I wanted nothing more than to escape it. Yet after a conversation with Lissa, I may have changed my mind. She's been having some issues lately at work, and she said something that's stuck in my mind since then. This is a paraphrase of it:
"Leaving won't do any good for anyone else that's there. I want things to get better but that won't happen if I desert my work. I need to stay and be an agent of change."
Something like that :) But I have this gnawing feeling that maybe staying at Bible college wouldn't be so bad. And it would take me one less year to finish school if I decide to remain there continuously. But once again I'm faced with a dilemma: I applied for a different program elsewhere in November. It all comes down to whether I'm accepted into it or not. Ugh, I don't like how I'm always getting myself into pickles. I think I want one thing, but then it turns out to be something that might not be what God wants. I'm not too brilliant at understanding God's will... but I know He's teaching me.*Kind of related: Check out Hey Ya! Charlie Brown Style (link via Melissa). You know, my favourite production will always be when my college performed "The Grinch Who Stole Charlie Brown's Christmas."
Libellés : college
Now how would I win this?
Friday Five:
You have just won one million dollars:
1. Who do you call first? My parents.
2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself? My college tuition.
3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else? A new house in Australia.
4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom? Church of course, charity, missionaries, etc.
5. Do you invest any? If so, how? I took a business class in high school. I blindly invested. There you go.
Libellés : Friday Five
Sex chapel 2, the saga continues
So.. isn't that a catchy title? It was the second part in a series this week at school, and I, being a female, had the honour of listening to this from a (really qualified) female perspective today. I loved that our speaker was blunt and got right into the nitty-gritty details. So many Christians are scared to talk about sex. Why? It's a gift from God (for within the confines of a marriage between a man and a woman which remains monogamous for life) and it's not as if not talking about it will make it go away or something. Wait, that's a whole 'nother tangent.
Anyways, I was so thrilled when our speaker addressed this question: "Why are Bible college students having sex?" FINALLY!! Someone is tackling this issue and confronting it head on! It's something I know the student body struggles with (pun intended) and it's great to get it out there rather than pretending it doesn't exist.
The girls then stayed afterwards to talk about more stuff. Now here's the hilarious thing, Trevor posted something about this already and he wrote about the two questions asked at the men's session. The same questions were asked at the women's! Except that question one was more or less, "How far is too far?" and yeah, the second one was pretty much the same. We also talked about female pornography and some other stuff. Oh and did you know that at a certain Bible college in the 80s, women were forbidden to show their elbows? My, how things have changed.
Libellés : college
The votes are in...
Judging Results:
I didn't go through all the entries but here are the five that stood out the most for me, in no particular order:
1. silent tribute
2. What in Tarnation?!?!?
3. Skywalking
5. look both ways
Yes, I succumbed today and bought the "Vibe Hits: Volume One" CD. It was only $3.74 and I did get a chance to work at the Vibe Awards last year, so I thought it couldn't hurt. I also went to get a copy of "In the Name of Love," which was released on Tuesday. Unfortunately, it won't come in until March 10, so I just preordered it. I have a love-hate relationship with U2; I'm not fond of them but at the same time, I support them. Does that make any coherent sense at all? Yeah, I don't get it either.
mercredi 28 janvier 2004
"Lift your eyes to heaven"
I was unable to participate in this last week (besides, I wouldn't have written a good piece on the 80s since I was born in it), and I feel guilty for being late this week, but here goes!
Whenever I hear this word, the image that comes into my mind is being released from the chains that have held us down our whole life. I think of the bondage we are in, being tied down with heavy weights that have hindered us from all that we want to be. The shackles that twist around our wrists and ankles, leaving scars on our hearts and marks on our skin. I picture myself walking slowly, consumed with the burdens and toils that sit on my back. My downcast face focuses on each piece of gravel as I pass it, and my hair is matted on my face, wet with worries and sick with grief.
Then Jesus Christ enters the picture. No longer am I the creature that once stooped low and smelled of the gut-wrenching death. No, that person is now gone, a part of the past which can never come back to claim my life again. My life belongs to another. One that lifts me up and gently, with His blood-stained fingers, wipes away my tears and touches my cheek. He removes each rock from my back, one by one, and releases the load I carry. With His pierced wrists, He unlocks the chains that have kept me from tasting the sweet-smelling air. He takes my heart and whispers songs of salvation and peace into it. I look up and see the face of compassion and holiness. Compassionate because He understands what it is like to walk on this wearied earth. Holiness because only He can restore my spirit and breathe life into me.
I feel complete. Every scar is healing and I know that His promises are coming true. I can see, my vision has been restored to me. Suddenly, all the colours have come magnificently alive and their hues tickle my senses. I can hear joy where there was once pain. Children's laughter, sacred music, and the calming wind fill my ears. This, this is the life I was created for. To partake in the goodness of Him, who has made me in His image and calls me to be like Him. My fears and empty desires are now replaced with faith and the Holy Spirit. I feel His presence and I can soak in freedom. The freedom I have longed for all my life has come, and it has restored every fibre of my being. I am a new creation. I am free.
"Freedom reigns in this place
Showers of mercy and grace
Falling on every face
There is freedom"
- Jason Upton - "Freedom Reigns", Faith
'What will people think...'
Thank you to the very lovely Miss Tracy for awarding me with her super special Jesus Freak award! In her words, whoo-hoo!
And in the tradition of Reverend Ref's acceptance speech, here goes: I'd like to thank Tracy for allowing me to take part in the "Tracys," God for his wonderful Word, including one of my favourite verses: Proverbs 18:6, my Bible college for its foundation in the Bible, all of my Bible professors (this one's for you, Dean!), and my cat. Nah, I don't have a cat but they always seem to be thanked. And apologies that my title is so long, you can shorten it to the first half people :) Check out this nifty award I received!
Libellés : blogging
mardi 27 janvier 2004
... belongs to such as these
"In old days there were angels who came and took men by the hand and led them away from the city of destruction. We see no white-winged angels now. But yet men are led away from threatening destruction: a hand is put into theirs, which leads them forth gently towards a calm and bright land, so that they look no more backward; and the hand may be a little child's."
- Silas Marner by George Eliot, p. 131.
Parkas and dating
Wonderful news: I toughened up this morning! Nature and transit and I all duked it out so I ended up going to school. Phht, -40 weather never scared me away. I just don't like looking like a puffy cloud of snowman at the same time. I'm scared kids will want to roll me down the hill.
Chapel this week has been different. It's all about relationships (yes, how ironic!) and the topics are "How to Be/Spot a Godly Man/Woman," which is pretty needed at my school. One of my friends was talking to me about how he knew all these godly women yet he couldn't think of a single godly guy (except himself, of course). Ouch. And I think the stats at college are that there's more guys than girls there. So what is happening? I lamented about this a while ago but sadly, I don't know if anything has changed.
lundi 26 janvier 2004
Win a date!
This is too funny, I just have to post about it. Trevor has decided to have his own little contest of the year over at his blog. I don't even know what to say, it's that freaking hilarious (yes, there are no other adverbs I can think of for this). No, I'm not laughing at him - he's a brave guy for venturing out with this, so if I can help at all by advertising about it, I'll feel better for not having taken the contest seriously at first. Uh, so if you're a girl reading this who's from Cowtown - by all means, apply. It is certainly original, so mad props to him for thinking of it. Other than that, I'm still chuckling.
Unrelated: It's going to be something like -50 degrees Celsius with windchill tomorrow morning. To go to school or not to go to school? I am so happy I don't live in dorms - I actually have an excuse for transportation issues :)
Looking in
I've always stuck out from my peers. And that has always been my favourite thing about myself. The fact that I truly was unique while everyone else conformed together gave me great joy. I loved being part of the outside world, peering in but not jealous enough to want to take part in it. Rather it was an experiment for me, "guess the next trend," that sort of thing. I felt that I did rather well, being given the ability to observe people rather than be one of them. I don't think that part has changed in me. I still watch people as though they were in a laboratory, running around in an imaginary mouse maze. All my life, I was the anti-trend person, never indulging in the latest fads and gimmicks. And if I ever did, it was to prove that they would soon fade away and were not worthy of all the attention everyone else gave them. I was very conscious of this until it became a part of me. Now I automatically resist anything that is popular, choosing instead to question why things are the way they are. I suppose this is part of the reason why I have never been able to fit in, per se. I'm much too cautious and cynical to a degree.
My identity has been rooted in this my whole life. Even after I became a Christian, I found my identity through the fact that I was still different from everybody else. I thrived on this knowledge, revelling in the things that kept me distinct from the world. Were it not for these distinct things, I would have lost who I was. And that is what has happened to me over the last few years. I found that as I entered a Christian environment, shock, everyone else did the same stuff I did. My differences were no longer appreciated, and I slowly lost what had determined my own worth. I felt that who I was was suddenly ripped from me, and that I was simply left with shards of an image I once knew. Similar and not completely different. I struggle with this and am in the process of protectively rebuilding myself once again. If I am not the collective of what gave me security in the outside world, where am I to be? I despise the thought of giving up my uniqueness in order to belong.
The sermon last night at church talked about how our identity should not be found in culture, but in Christ. And that was the earth-shattering concept I needed to learn. My whole life has revolved around the outer confines of society and my comfortable place there. But now that I am a new creation in God, I need to reexamine who I am. My identity cannot be built around my differences any more; it must be shaped around my new identity in Christ. Lord, who I am? is the question that plagues me every moment of the day.
And then, a quiet whisper comforts me. My daughter. My daughter.
dimanche 25 janvier 2004
Temporal routes
I feel horrible. My favourite church service is now something I no longer want to attend. Don't worry, I'm not becoming an apostate or ditching my church at all. It's just that the service time I used to love going to is now being populated by my college. It might as well be an extension of my college. I know that sounds cruel and unloving, but my weekends are meant to escape my college and for me to be able to find solace in my church community. I need it to keep my sanity.
Libellés : church
samedi 24 janvier 2004
Here's my number, email, blog...
I just got a wonderful email from one of my really good friends from high school. It made me realize how I know more about what's going on with stranger's lives through their blogs than with people I actually know who don't have blogs.
Conclusion? Everyone should have a blog :) Or a website that's regularly updated with news from life. Anything on the internet, really. Or maybe it's a sign I should take more time to find out what's going on in my friend's lives. But a blog would make it so much easier!
Jill Paquette is performing at church tonight and tomorrow night!
Libellés : blogging
Love potion #9
I am extremely excited! Unknowingly and randomly searching, I just found out that Tristan and Isolde was filming last year and is now in post-production! I've been waiting to see a more recent version to come out that also isn't in French or German. I'm sure more people will hear about this movie in the months to come because Tristan is being played by the same person who played Harry Osbourn in Spiderman. As for Isolde, she's being played by Sophia Myles, an actress from London. Good stuff, I'm really anticipating this film now. It's predicted to be released for the fall this year, so mark your calendars!
Update: Here'a a good site with basic information on this Arthurian legend.
Insomnia bites, off to sleep now.
Libellés : media
More carbs!
You know, this whole Atkin's Diet thing is so overblown now. For goodness' sake, low-carb burgers? Low-carb beer? Subway's cursed Turkey and Bacon Wrap? Really. This goes against everything that we've been taught in Health class for thirteen years. The colourful Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating chart hanging on my refrigerator is screaming against this trend!
I'm sure people are losing weight from this diet, but it does not sound healthy in the long run. Based on the pyramid of healthy eating, proteins are at the top, meaning they should be the least-consumed as opposed to carbohydrates, which are at the bottom of the pyramid, recommending the most servings. Yet Atkins is suggesting the opposite, that we cut down our servings of carbohydrates from 5-12 to a measley 20 grams per day and that we boost our protein servings from 2-3 a day to an unlimited amount.
That is just backwards to me. I think I'm just going to stick with my carbohydrates and enjoy pasta, bread, cereal, and all the other good foods. Sure, we're supposed to eat healthy and treat our bodies well, but is having tons of bacon and low-carb beer going to help? I highly doubt it. I don't have medical training in this area so this post should only be regarded as an opinionated... opinion of mine. But if any of you have more information on this dieting trend, please leave it in the comments for me to read, thanks!
vendredi 23 janvier 2004
Friday Five:
At this moment, what is your favourite...
1. "Show You Love" by Jars of Clay
2. Pizza Hut's Hawaiian Pizza
3. show? The District
4. ...scent? Glistening Snow
5. ...quote? "[Believers] have joy and comfort - that joy that angels cannot give, and devils cannot take." - Christopher Fowler
Libellés : Friday Five
jeudi 22 janvier 2004
Happy New Year!
Chinese, that is. I know I'm a bit late with this (I've had classes all day) but Gung he fat choi sun nein fi lock.
This is a part of a prayer that someone said today in class:
God, you must love the Chinese people soooo much. That's why you've created so many of them.
Hmm, I had never thought of it in that way before. How true. Considering that 1 out of every 5 people on earth is Chinese. God must have incredibly big plans for them :)
Just found at Tracy's Emporium of Ultra-Funny Links this hilarious music video. You have to have a sense of humour to watch it, so be forewarned!
*Update: Seems I already linked to another version of this song last month.
Libellés : culture
mardi 20 janvier 2004
Dull and rich
It boggles my mind how The dullest blog in the world is in reality, not that dull. After all, one of its posts about "Taking a plate to the kitchen" stirred up 497 comments. Makes me rethink what dull really is :)
I've been reading a really neat Christian webzine lately. It's called Hippocampus Extensions (isn't that a cool name?) and it's written by Ben and Karen Beilharz from Australia.
Feeling fairly convicted after one of my classes about the growing problem of greed and materialism in my life, I read some articles that also helped put things into perspective for me. If you get a chance, go check out "How to live in a rich country," you'll be blessed!
Heavy burdens
I've already fallen majorly behind in all of my reading. I didn't realize there was so much of it to do! I'm stressing out every chance I get at how yearbook is going. I feel like a crummy life group leader. I also realize I have spent zero time in the last few months on my field lab. All that and the fact that I'm in deep cahoots right now for a stupid thing I did this weekend. I seriously wonder if I'm in over my head right now.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
- Matthew 11:28-30
In a hurry
Quick note before I must eat something today (I'm too busy!) or I'll get grumpy: Darren is in the middle of his Blogathon! Go check out all his posts and if you can, support his goal of purchasing a pedicab for a poor family. He is currently on post 44 and has quite a few more to go to complete this 24 hour blog-marathon. Help him out if you can; it's going towards a good cause!
I'll be back... after a decent meal.
lundi 19 janvier 2004
I'm supposed to be participating in these this week:
and Seven Days of Action.
But, due to certain circumstances that were truly idiotic of me, I will be facing the consequences this week. I'll still try to write stuff, but for now most of my attention is going towards this little fiasco I have created. Please pray that everything will be resolved. I can't really disclose any details, but let's just say, it is definitely crummy and stupid (on my part).
May you all have a blessed week :)
samedi 17 janvier 2004
Faith and the media
This has been a topic that I've always enjoyed studying and reading about. This integration between both perks my interest the most and is a subject I would love to explore more. I found an essay that I wrote two years ago about this; it's kind of brutally written (imo) but I liked it regardless:
"Violence, for example, has not increased in number or severity necessarily (looking back to recorded historical times), but coverage and glamourization of it has increased dramatically. Students will likely see about 120,000 depictions of violence including 18,000 violent deaths before they enter university, with the breakdown of seeing 27 violent acts per day (more than once per hour) from age five until age eighteen. These violent acts can range anywhere from a slap across the face to shootings to car crashes to exploding buildings to gruesome stabbings."
"A startling statistic in a study shows that 'there are 14,000 sexual references on TV annually and only 165 of these references deal with sex education, contraception, abortion, or sexually-transmitted diseases' (Strom, 181), indicating the distortion of the truth about sex that Satan has blinded people with. These references are mainly 'sexual innuendos, sexual advances, people making out, people 'making love', and sexual crimes' (ibid), none of which represent the true meaning of sex. Furthermore, sex is more prevalent outside of marriage than within marriage. The ratio for a soap opera for unmarried to married sex is two to one, the ratio for prime time shows on television is six to one, and for R-rated movies, it jumps to an astonishing thirty-two to one."
"'On American college and high school campuses today, the name most associated with the word 'Christian' – other than Jesus – is not the pope or Mother Teresa or even Billy Graham. Instead, it's a goofy-looking guy named Ned Flanders. Homer Simpson's next-door neighbor is the evangelical known most intimately to nonevangelicals' (Pinksy, 2001, 42). Even though there are theological inaccuracies on The Simpsons, most typical television viewers receive more information about Christianity from this show than from any other. It is almost a form of reverse witnessing where satirical humour can spur the curious to conduct more research about what they are not getting the full picture of."
Copyright 2002 Neely, excerpts from "The Effects of Media on Christians"
Libellés : college
Comments update
Good news for you, Trevor, your commenting system is back up. Check out this set of handy instructions on how to get them running again.
Oh, and Lissa, these are the pages that I tried to send you.
Libellés : blogging
This is the end
Tonight was the first youth event of the new year. It was good, although I didn't stay for all of it. I just have so much homework to do and I'm already swamped in this second week of school. Youth is going great although I have sort of a dilemma. What do you do when you were once friends with another youthworker but now you can't stand to be near them? This is tough on me because I don't want it to affect anything with my youth. Hmmm. It's also tough because I always feel extremely guilty whenever I end a friendship with a Christian. It rarely ends on good terms and it's more painful because I expect it to be different than all the other friendships I have. I can think of over the years where I've stopped being friends with some Christians, and it hurts since I usually think it's my fault for not 'loving a brother/sister in the faith' enough to maintain the friendship.
Libellés : youth ministry
vendredi 16 janvier 2004
"The movie [The Passion of the Christ] will probably be Rated R. I have read that Mel Gibson commented to the brutality, "If you read the Bible -- the whole thing is pretty much rated R!" In order to accurately depict the crucifixion, he needed to hold back nothing from the torture Christ bore for us...." - via Christy
"The findings of the first World Internet Project report present an image of the average Netizen that contrasts with the stereotype of the loner "geek" who spends hours of his free time on the Internet and rarely engages with the real world. Instead, the typical Internet user is an avid reader of books and spends more time engaged in social activities than the non-user, it says...." - via Melissa
"In the news media, the blog revolution has been portrayed as a transformation of the industry, a thousand minipundits blooming. But the vast majority of bloggers are teens and young adults. Ninety percent of those with blogs are between 13 and 29 years old; a full 51 percent are between 13 and 19, according to Perseus. Many teen blogs are short-lived experiments. But for a significant number, they become a way of life, a daily record of a community’s private thoughts — a kind of invisible high school that floats above the daily life of teenagers...." - via Gerrard
"It's 3 in the morning, you can't sleep, you're wondering what life is: That's where the songs come from. I think that with this album in particular, there's a longing for beauty and truth. ... You'll have 15, 16-year-old kids come up to you after a show and tell you that your songs have helped them deal with their own thoughts ofsuicide, or deal with divorce, or whatever's going on in their lives...." - via Sparrow
"A pedicab (like a rickshaw) has the ability to provide a family with enough income to break the poverty cycle. Families entering the pedicab program are leased the pedicab over 12 months. At the end of that time they have paid of the total cost and own the pedicab outright. The money they have paid then buys another pedicab for another family to lease. Therefore a one off donation of $400 doesn't just help one family once, but will continue to have impact every year indefinitely...." - via Darren
Last words
Haven't done one of these in a while, the Friday Five:
1. What does it say in the signature line of your emails?
Men do not contradict the Bible because it contradicts itself but because it contradicts them.
2. Did you have a senior quote in your high school yearbook? What was it? If you haven't graduated yet, what would you like your quote to be?
I didn't have a senior quote because with 700 graduating students, there wouldn't have been room in the yearbook. But this was the quote in my yearbook: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD , "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11
3. If you had vanity plates on your car, what would they read? If you already have them, what do they say?
I wouldn't, and I don't know what they would read. But if you're into this kind of thing, here's a Vanity Pl8 Photoblog Community to check out.
4. Have you received any gifts with messages engraved upon them? What did the inscription say?
Nope, I don't think I have. The only engraved things I've received in my life have been plaques from school and those are just for stuff like "Highest Academic Standing" and "Top Academic Award". Yeah, I'm a pretty boring person :)
5. What would you like your epitaph to be?
Ooh, good question. I think I would want something like, a follower of Jesus Christ, anything along those lines. Because that is the only thing that matters in my life, and I couldn't imagine anything else to be remembered by.
Libellés : Friday Five
Missing comments
If anyone is missing comments, here's something I found on the front page of the commenting system I use, HaloScan.
"If you are a (former) Blogspeak user: we have already imported the 5,474 user accounts and are currently in the process of importing all of the users' comments into our system.... The import process is complete and we're currently waiting for the Blogspeak owner to respond before proceeding with the instructions and mass mailing."
- Latest News
I've been using HaloScan since I started my blog and I've been really pleased with their service. They've only been down once since I've used them, but it was resolved quickly. The only drawback is that they archive all comments that are more than four months old and they are not accessible. But they provide such a great system that I may consider becoming a premium member. Anyways, interesting to see that they have acquired Blogspeak now.
Libellés : blogging
mercredi 14 janvier 2004
Isn't it interesting that being stressed is nearly a requirement for normal living nowadays? That people who are incredibly busy with full schedules are regarded as more important than those with laid-back lives? I see it everywhere, people are making tons of appointments in their Palms and they need an itinerary for each day. Time dictates them, controlling every single second of living. I certainly fall into this category. It's not unusual for me anymore to have meetings left and right and I barely escape a day without having to do a million errands and tasks. I dislike the fact that as I get older, the more I will become like this, becoming increasingly busy. I barely have time to take a break and when I do, I feel guilty that I'm not doing something productive. My mind is always in the mode that if I don't do something, it won't get done. I neglect this fact:
"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
- Psalm 46:10
I rarely remember times that I am still, simply waiting on God. I'm always in a rush and I've developed the fear to slow down. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I don't think I've ever fully surrended my day to Him. Then I start relying on myself and letting time consume me. I know it's going to be tough incorporating stillness into my life everyday, but I know that it will be worth doing so. I don't want to let my timing interfere with God's perfect timing. I want to be less time-dependent and more God-dependent.
Libellés : Christian life
Camps and retreats
I just finished reading a bit from my missiology textbook. It's a really good book but it's almost 800 pages long so I think I'll be in for some long nights coming up. Anyways, it's camping week at school and it's been pretty cool having camp representatives come to my college from places as far as Manitoba and even California. I don't know if there was anyone from Ontario, but that would be far.
I love that we are able to take solace in God's creation and 'camp' in His presence. Camp has become a major part of my life now, and I think it plays such an important role in a Christian's life for retreat and for renewal. And being with kids, that's the best part, getting to experience this all with them!
As a kid, I never got the opportunity to go to camp (I know, I was extremely deprived), so whenever I get a chance now, it's an excuse for me to be a kid all over again. I've been very blessed over the years in being able to go to different places for various retreats and camps. I don't remember them all, but I would like to keep a record so I can remind myself of these awesome times :)
- Sr High Retreat: SABC - Best food ever, farmer's blow competition, cactus-covered hill
- Sr High Retreat: Camp Cadicasu - Wilson the missing egg, "Cheapskate Trucker," birthday snow
- Jr High Camp: Camp Harmattan - Videographer, egg-boiling in the river, Relient K nonstop
- SM Leaders Retreat: Camp Harmattan - Testimony, affinity groups, God calling me to switch from tech groups to life groups
- Sr High Retreat: Camp Harmattan - Stinky water, +235 pictures, intense worship
- Sr High Camp: Pioneer Ranch Camp - Intro, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5
I keep thinking I'm missing more camp experiences so this list may be revised. Now I can't wait until summer! I hope I get to go to Sr High Camp again this year, if it works out with a potential internship or something.
Libellés : camp
mardi 13 janvier 2004
Preparing to be grandmas
Me: So I guess you didn't meet your guy tonight.
Random person*: Nope, but I found some good grapefruit!
Me: Man, we sound like fifty year olds.
Random person: Well nobody better touch my bananas!
*name changed to protect the innocent
Yes, we are talking about actual fruit.
How sad is that? I now talk about fruit instead of lamenting about guys. Yeah, that about sums up my life.
Near expulsion
Since I brought it up, I figured there would be questions about this one. This explanation will be lieu of the Monday Memory thingy which I forgot to do. Alright, so here's the story:
I became a Christian in grade nine. I was fiercely zealous and was ready to defend my faith anywhere, anytime (I was quite the little spitfire). Well, I guess I got carried away most of the time. I became friends with two girls that year who turned into the source of my misery later on. Halfway through the year, they decided to turn on me and bully me. They also told me that they were Wiccans and that if I did anything to upset them, they would cast a spell on me that would, get this, "put me in a ditch in the middle of Saskatchewan where I would never be rescued." Yep, those were their exact words. Now, if you're Canadian, that's quite a real threat ;) So I didn't take it very seriously because that idea is just stupid, but these girls kept threatening me. It got to the point where one day I just screamed at them, "If you keep doing witchcraft, you're going to go to hell!" Now I know that those aren't exactly loving words from a Christian and I feel bad that I said that but I was fairly new in the faith at that point.
What was it that almost got me expelled from junior high school? It was the phrase "go to hell" that got me in trouble. Unfortunately, the vice-principal of my school sided with these girls and after they told her what I said, I was called to the office. She accused me of religious intolerance and persecution and the list just went on and on for almost half an hour. I remember sitting there thinking, this is so dumb! I mean, these girls had said worse things to me and even physically attacked me, yet I was going to be expelled for stating the truth? I didn't even say it in the "swearing" sense, which was ironic because these girls said that phrase to me all the time. Now, I was freaking out because I was going to the best high school in the city and if I had an expulsion on my record, that would have ruined my life forever. Thankfully, the principal refused to kick me out of school because I had top honours there and had never sworn before.
The lesson: don't take the phrase "go to hell" very lightly, even if you literally mean it. Yeah, that almost cost me my future. I learned the hard way.
Did you know...
That I wish I was a little taller?
That I am too independent, to a fault?
That I almost got expelled from junior high school?
That people usually assume they've figured me all out?
That very few people have taken the time to get to know me?
That I feel extremely uncomfortable talking about myself to other people?
That I'm the only one from honour society who went to college and not university?
That I felt like a person in a large school but a number in a small school?
That I am secure in who I am, but I still want to be accepted?
That I was supposed to go to Greece in high school?
That I'm shocked that I, of all people, have a blog?
That people are almost always wrong about me?
That I dislike the taste of peanut butter?
lundi 12 janvier 2004
A typical Sunday for me
dimanche 11 janvier 2004
Planning a trip
There is so much work that goes into it! I'm currently checking out tons of airfare prices but can't seem to find anything that could actually be considered a discount. I've found one reasonably priced flight with Air Canada but I would need to purchase the tickets by the 13th this week. I'm also looking into Continental, Northwest, Delta, United, and American. I hope that all the details for this trip will just come together quickly and easily so that I can get back to doing my homework. I'll probably be up late looking for flights but it's so nice to not have any day classes on Monday!
Side note: Even though my mom's tumour has shrunk in her bowel, her oncologist found something suspicious in her liver and kidneys. Please pray that her cancer did not spread to these organs and that they turn out to be non-malignant. We're going for tests tomorrow afternoon to figure out what they are. Thanks again!
samedi 10 janvier 2004
I see you...
Yes, you. Maybe not. After all, I really don't know you if you haven't left a comment and given me a chance to find out who you are. See my logic here? And just because I'm so super nice, I will provide a list of possible things that have led you here and where to go for them.
- McDonald's McDeal of the Day
- Praise songs
- Starfield lyrics
- World Idol
- "If We Are the Body" by Casting Crowns
- Neely - yep, that's me. But I seriously doubt that I'm the person you're looking for, please try again!
Ok, now that I've proven my altruism, please leave a comment and let me know that you've been here! Even if you don't want to. Even if you think I'm weird. I really don't mind, I just want to know that you've been here. It'll make my day, err night :) Thank you!
Libellés : blogging
I do do stupid things!
"God will not suffer man to have the knowledge of things to come; for if he had prescience of his prosperity he would be careless; and understanding of his adversity he would be senseless." |
You are Augustine! You love to study tough issues and don't mind it if you lose sleep over them. Everyone loves you and wants to talk to you and hear your views, you even get things like "nice debating with you." Yep, you are super smart, even if you are still trying to figure it all out. You're also very honest, something people admire, even when you do stupid things. |
What theologian are you?
A creation of Henderson
Link via: Travis
Libellés : quizzes
vendredi 9 janvier 2004
Trust and obey
I came home from one of the best classes I've ever been to. I called it a "big style revival preached in a night" because our speaker was so amazing and energetic about everything! During the class, he talked about trusting and obeying in the Lord and to share about what we've been having problems with in our life that we weren't turning over to Him.
This is the strange part. I trust God. I know that He has my future planned out and that my life is in His hands. I am completely thrilled with whatever is in store, and I don't doubt that it'll be exciting and such an adventure. God could be calling me to serve Him in so many different ways, and the moment I know what He wants, I'll go for it. Whether it be serving Him as a youth pastor, video editor, missionary, filmmaker, whatever it is, I'm ready for the challenges laying ahead.
Here's the catch though. As much as I am confident about my future, I worry incessantly about everyday things. I don't trust daily things to God. Now how absurd is that? There's a youth devotional that I read a few years ago and still lingers in my mind whenever I think about this. This is what it says:
"I finally got sick of being anxious all the time. My worrying never changed anything - except I felt torn up on the inside. Then one day it hit me: I'm trusting Christ to get me to heaven, but I don't even trust Him for everyday problems. How ridiculous! Since then, whenever I start to freak out over a situation, I remember that he's promised to take care of all the things I can't handle."
How true. If I am that bold about things that are unknown to me, why do I waste my time on things that I am certain of? The God that has given me peace regarding the future can and will give me peace at the moment, from day to day. I need to trust and obey Him for that.
Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies,
But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
- Words by John H. Sammis and music by Daniel B. Towner "Trust and Obey"
Libellés : Christian life
Favourite posts
Michelle asked the question: What is your favourite post? I have lots of favourites from other people's blogs (blog, blog, that is such a ridiculously sounding word) but there's so many to track down that I wouldn't be able to highlight them all. I do have a favourite from mine though, which would have to be "Of all the things..." And I think the one I liked the most from Michelle's would have to be "Typical Bible college chats" (very typical). If there are others I can find, I'll update here.
jeudi 8 janvier 2004
Lacking sleep
This has already come true. I just looked at my syllabus and realized I have an internet assignment due for tomorrow. Good thing I was already on the net. Not a good thing that I still haven't started it yet. Ah, the night is still young.
I've been reading some gritty posts as of late. This particular post caught my eye as being one of the most real things I've read coming from a Christian. I guess it's being back in this bubble again that I've become a bit more cynical. Everything just seems glossy and superficial, and I feel so out of place. More posts to come on this later; I have much to say about it.
mercredi 7 janvier 2004
Total rewrite
I currently have 79 errors in my HTML and 36 browser compatibility problems (check yours here). So, to all the people using any other browser than IE 6.0, what does my page look like on your computers? And what errors are you experiencing from visiting my blog? I may have to sit down for a full day and completely rewrite this entire page. I don't want this page to cause any problems, so I really don't mind reworking it. But it will take a while to do, just warning you.
Update: 29 of my browser compatiblility problems have to do with those using Netscape 4.0 and lower. I've eliminated at least four errors so far, but the other 29 have to do with basic CSS properties, which I really can't help. Drop some ideas if you have any, I'm nitpicking my entire layout :)
Libellés : blogging
Great lines
My psychology professor reminds me of Mr. Gibbs. I think it's his beard. I didn't really have a chance to do much this Christmas break, except for watching Pirates of the Caribbean at least 5 times or so. Blame my dad for getting the DVD :) Actually, I'd have to say it's my favourite movie of 2003 (excluding Return of the Kings, but that was part of a trilogy, so it technically doesn't count). It was also the second highest grossing movie of last year. If you've seen it, you'll recognize these:
Elizabeth: Captain Barbossa, I am here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal.
Barbossa: There be a lot of long words in there, miss. We're naught but humble pirates. What is it that you want?
Elizabeth: I want you to leave and never come back.
Barbossa: I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means "no."
Mr. Gibbs: Then, on the fourth day, he roped himself a couple of sea turtles and made a raft.
Will Turner: He roped himself a couple of sea turtles.
Mr. Gibbs: Aye. Sea turtles.
Will Turner: What did he use for rope?
Jack Sparrow: [from beside them] Human hair.
Jack Sparrow: [pause] From my back.
Will Turner: This is either madness... or brilliance.
Jack Sparrow: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.
Jack Sparrow: Why is the rum gone?
Elizabeth: One, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels. Two, that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire royal navy is out looking for me; do you really think that there is EVEN the slightest chance that they won't see it?
Jack Sparrow: But why is the rum gone?
Jack Sparrow: Me? I'm just honest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest... Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.
Jack Sparrow: [to Governor Weatherby Swann] I think we've all arrived at a very special place... spiritually... ecumenically... grammatically.
Source: Memorable Quotes
Libellés : media
What will it take?
On the suggestion of Tracy, I think I will get !HERO for my kids to listen to. It's a rock opera about what would have happened if the Messiah had been born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania today rather than in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. Sounds like it'll be good.
I keep forgetting to update people on how my mom is doing. Well, she's doing a lot better. She still has some side effects that come with chemo, but her tumour has shrunk! Her treatments end this week and with a few appointments next month, she'll be able to go for surgery in March to get rid of the cancer completely. Praise God that the cancer is going away! My parents still have hardened hearts towards God, and this situation hasn't brought them any closer, so I worry more and more each day about them. It's not the cancer that is scaring me, it's that my parents keep rejecting God, even in the face of cancer. I worry immensely that something even more horrible will have to happen before my parents start to accept God.
Libellés : cancer
mardi 6 janvier 2004
Procrastination bites the dust
I'm going to read all of my assigned readings this semester. I'm going to start all of my papers early and complete them days before they're due. I'm going to do my homework early in the evenings. I am going to use time; it will not use me!
So saith the eager student on the first day of classes. Within no time, I'll be back to pulling all-nighters, not reading textbooks (or reading them at 2am the night before), and doing homework minutes before class. I really shouldn't be doing that. If I actually disciplined myself and put to work what they call my potential, I'd have nothing to worry about. But who does that anymore?
But then it hits me
Time is not the answer
You've given me all the time in the world
All that I need is...
A little more life in my day
A little more of your light
To show me the way
If I'm gonna be in this world but nor be of it
Lord, I need more of you
In all that I do
Put a little more life in my day
- Newsong "Life in My Day"
Libellés : procrastination, songs
lundi 5 janvier 2004
Igloo living
You know, the Monday Memory thingy is pretty tough to do now! My long-term memory should be getting better with age right? Err, maybe not. Here's a more recent one instead:
I got to go to Sea World a few years ago and it was a pretty fun day. My oddest memory from that day was when my family and I were sitting in the bleachers waiting for a dolphin show to start. I wasn't really paying attention but there were some loud women behind me talking. Well, they didn't exactly mince any words. They were talking to each other about an albino in the crowd. You know in those situations where it's impossible to not eavesdrop but you know you shouldn't anyways? I shouldn't have listened because they went on and on about this "albino" and it got pretty strange. It was only when the show began that I turned around and they stopped gabbering abruptly. Turned out that they were talking about me. I had every bit of intention of saying to them, "Well, I'm from Canada. What do you expect from a person who lives in an igloo?" I'm glad I didn't, but I was pretty ticked off at the time. Now I just look back and think it was a really funny situation that could only have happened to a tourist. I might as well have worn a sign that said, "I am a tourist."
*Update: I'm not an albino. It was what these women said I was as compared to all the extremely tanned Southern Californians. That was the funny part :)
Libellés : Canada
Avoiding school
Today is the first day of classes. I'm not sure I'm ready for another semester. I wasn't even ready for Christmas break and it's already come and gone. I have a feeling that by the time I'm actually ready for school, it'll be summer break. Now that wouldn't be so bad!
I am so behind in responding to all my emails. My inbox is stuffed and I keep getting warnings that if I don't clear it out, they will clear it out for me. I know that sometimes people think you're ticked off at them if you don't reply immediately, but I don't think that way. If a friend doesn't get back to me until a week later (providing it's not a time-pressed issue), I accept that. People have a life outside of their email. I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to little things like this. It's too bad that not everyone acts the same way towards me though. My lackadaisical approach to emailing has gotten me in more than enough trouble over the years. Perhaps that's another resolution I need to work on.
dimanche 4 janvier 2004
New eyes
I see... a father willing to sacrifice his pride for the happiness of his little girl.
samedi 3 janvier 2004
As much as I have gotten sick of Tim Horton's over the last few years (don't worry, I have a valid reason), I still think it's hilarious that our Canadian identity is so tied to it. There's a new Tim's commercial where a guy who has been travelling to Europe gets identified as a Canadian by nope, not the maple leaf he has sewn on his backpack, but by a Tim's mug that's hanging from his pack. I think that is too funny. I kind of want to try that on my road trip now. Even though I don't drink coffee. And even though I've avoided as much of Tim's as I've been able to for months. I still have to show my Canadian pride somehow though!
Speaking of Canadian, Jim Elve over at BlogsCanada has compiled a HUGE list of what's been happening on Canadian blogs on his "Carnival of the Canucks" post. Check it out if you're looking for some good reads north of the border!
vendredi 2 janvier 2004
The five and the quotes
I have such awesome readers!! You'll hear more about that in a second after the Friday Five:
What one thing are you most looking forward to . . .
Getting more information for a road trip Lissa and I are planning.
2. ...over the next week?
Going back to school and getting back into that routine.
3. ...this year?
Going on that road trip! It'll be a once-in-a-lifetime vacation for us (two years in the works!).
4. ...over the next five years?
Finishing all post-secondary education and moving into the workforce.
5. ...for the rest of your life?
Serving Christ and others in ways I can't even imagine.
So, about my fantastic readers. I just wrote a post on singleness that has been in my head for the longest time and I received great responses to it.
Sarah gave me a quote that I just love:
"I'd say that the truly worst times to be single are not when everyone around you is dating, but when you are least willing to accept the challenges that God gives by not dating. I'm not even speaking about vocation- but rather, accepting the time alone to grow stronger and be happy with yourself (primacy of love should always be with God anyway). I can't say this is a general truth that makes everyone ecstatic with life, but it's my experience, and I embrace it readily now."
And Lance imparted some helpful advice:
"The only people who look upon singleness unfavourably are those who are discontentedly single themselves. Don't even bother being annoyed or bothered by them, it's honestly not worth your time. You might want to point out to them, however, how unattractive it is when someone is discontentedly single. If a girl can't handle being the beloved of Christ, I'm not about to subject her to my imperfect love." (Yes, yes, yes! This is so very true!)
Scott and Christy: I agree with you both, being single is great! There should be no shame in that! It is the most intimate gift that God has given us: this precious time to devote all of ourselves to Him, getting to know Him better and to love Him more. And Michelle, that experience is all too familiar. It's too bad that other students in Bible colleges can't see how wonderful singleness really is. We'll just have to get the message out, won't we :)
Libellés : Friday Five
Think before you leap
I'll be honest. I'm one of those types of people who speak before they think it through. I've had tons of foot-in-my-mouth experiences in my life, coupled with numerous apologies for speaking rashly. Well, that seems to carry over into blogging for me as well. I made a comment on Irene's blog that in retrospect, sounds insensitive and frankly, rude, on a post about The Blogdom of God. This is what I wrote there:
"It seems like a self-promotional tool where people are in it only for the rankings. It is also contrived when people link to each other only for the sake of boosting their own blog, and not because of its content."
- "Helping God Out"
I had written this because of a post that I read on Bene Diction's blog where Bene talked about the previous rules of the Blogdom, which had included:
3. Link to at least 10 Blogs that could be definied as God Blogs, half of which are also members of the Blogdom of God Alliance.
4. To aim to link to an individual post from another God Blog on at least a weekly basis (daily would be nice, this condition is waived in certain circumstances)
- "Earthquake - Aggregator"
I felt that this (then) mandatory rule would lead to linking only for the sake of linking (which would in fact, garner higher rankings on search engines like Google). I did not want to be restricted in what I linked to, because I wanted the freedom to link to what I thought were blogs of quality content, and not just because they were part of the Alliance. This is what I thought was the contrived part.
I failed to check back on this post and see that an update had been added where these rules where removed for membership. So my comment was made out of context and was based on dated information.
Anyways, I did get a chance to go back to both blogs and read what Adrian wrote in response to the negative criticism he has received because of the blog. He was also gracious enough to email me and thank me for not attacking him in public on my blog. That shocked me, so I would like to apologize for anything I may have written which might have made Adrian look bad, because as he said, "he's not an ogre really!"
And after thinking about what he has written, I would be inclined to agree. We link to other people because we are challenged by what they've written or we want to give credit for a post they have typed. It really doesn't have anything to do with "self-promotion"; it just gets your voice out there, giving people the option of reading your blog if they choose to. And when people do link, it's more of an honour than anything. I mean, I was pleasantly surprised to find my previous post linked to on Adrian's blog himself.
Well, this has been one of my resolutions this year, to think before I say anything or in this case, type anything! But I know that I would never set out to make anyone look bad. If I ever do, it's usually because of an accident and I'll be the first to beg forgiveness. It's just not proper blogger etiquette or Christian love.
You know what's irksome sometimes? When people introduce themselves as being single. I don't know why it bothers me at times, but I find that it has been used in such a diminutive way. Whenever I hear it being said, it always comes with a sense of incompleteness and dissatisfaction. The idea that people have where they are seeking for their "other half" bothers me. People should regard themselves as whole and complete, with or without a significant other. Yet I find that the idea of singleness among Christians my age is treated as a temporary stage or heaven forbid, a curse, because they are "missing their other half"! Being single isn't looked upon favourably anymore and seems to be mentioned more out of desperation than joyfulness. When these people mention that they're single, they do so out of contempt for where they are right now. That's what bugs me. It's not that people simply mention their singleness as a fact of their life, but that they give it such a negative connotation. Keep in mind, this doesn't apply to ALL single people, just the ones that are so obviously displeased about it. It kind of ruins it for me, because this negative behaviour about "single-itis" gets spread around a lot in Christian circles.
jeudi 1 janvier 2004
World Idol results
So the winner of "World Idol" is Kurt Nilsen! I wasn't too shocked that he won, but I'm glad that he did! Even though one of the judges called him a hobbit and said that he would win in a "Middle Earth Idol", it's great that appearance didn't have to get in the way of singing talent. It was almost an unanimous vote too, with (I think) 9 countries voting him for first place, giving him a total of 106 points. Well, I enjoyed this short run of World Idol and I love that it proves that the underdog can win, with talent and not just ideal looks. I'm impressed that even though it was a "reality show", it still showed these "idols" as real people who worked hard and sacrificed a lot to get where they are. I only hope that "Canadian Idol" will be reflective of that in the second season. I also thought it was neat to see a lot of countries get involved in this international competition.
Libellés : media
Happy new year!
It's 2004! My, hasn't time flown by. I'll be spending New Year's Day tomorrow with my best friend, Lissa, and we'll be sending off my good friend, Gozo, for her missions trip to Guatemala. It's going to be so hard not seeing her for the next few months but we all know that God has called her to serve in this place and that there will be ministry that will bless Him and the people there. Please pray that she will have safe travels, that she'll be able to feel at home with the people she works with right away, and that the people she will come into contact with will have softened hearts towards God and the gospel.
I just got back from watching movies at Lissa's house. I rang in the new year with her family, which was fun :) Well, I need to be getting to bed now so I wish you and all your loved ones a beautiful new year. May you grow even deeper in love with Jesus and for each other. It's a new beginning full of faithful promises.
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
- Ecclesiastes 3:11