vendredi 31 octobre 2003

I'm back

At home that is. The story: road conditions were so bad that when the buses got to Carstairs, the bus driver recommended that we go back. Apparently there was something like 60 cars in the ditch, and he wanted to be safe rather than sorry. And the leaders only got to about Airdrie, so it ended up being a good idea that we go back before we attempted to head out to the secondary highways. I know the kids are so disappointed but the roads were just not friendly for anyone to drive on. Good news though, we had a great turnout for the senior high fall retreat: 85 kids and 15 leaders :) It's just too bad we ended up having to cancel. The parents were so understanding though, praise God for that!!!

Well, my muscles are aching and I am extremely weary, so good night!

Libellés :

Friday Seven and a Goodbye

I'm not doing the Friday Five because I don't celebrate Halloween (pagan roots) so I'm doing the Seven from Gerrard's blog. Friday Seven:

1. Who is someone you look up to?
Besides Jesus? :) I really look up to Mel, my life group leader from high school. She is such an incredibly godly woman who has inspired me so much!

2. When you leave this world; what do you want to be remembered for?
My love for Jesus and for others, and that I committed my whole life to Him doing His will.

3. Are there any regrets?
That I didn't come to know Jesus sooner in my life. But really, I don't have any regrets because God is in my life and that has changed everything.

4. Ephesians 4: 17 (The message) tells us to not to be going along with the crowd, the empty-headed mindless crowd. How are we to avoid this then?
I try my best to remain strong in maintaining my biblical convictions no matter what. I have uncompromising values and I strive to be a person of integrity and character, so that I can hopefully be an example to others. The worst thing you can do is not stand on any ground and sway along with the crowd.

5. On a scale of 1 - 10. One being the lowest; and ten being the highest ...where would you say you are in your walk with God?
Well I won't be a 10 until I get to heaven, but everyday I want to grow closer and closer to my Lord. I still feel like a 1 because there is so much I have to learn and I desire to have a stronger walk each day.

6. What version of the Bible do you use most?
Fan of the New International Version here! The first version I read was the New American Standard Bible (most accurate from the Greek text). The Message is okay for freshness.

7. What is one or two sayings would use or say ...hey; that would make a great slogan; retreat theme or T-shirt motto?
Hmm, good question! I'd like to see this verse upside down on the back of a t-shirt: "and they turned the world upside down" - Acts 17:6


So I'm heading off to a youth retreat this weekend. It should be fun although extremely freezing. I should go pack some warm woolies and lots of socks! I'll be back on Monday to write about everything. In the meantime, have a great and blessed weekend! I really appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to read what I write and I am honoured by that. Bye!

Libellés :

jeudi 30 octobre 2003

Utter shock

I'm sure that all of the youth ministry blogs out there are typing overtime as we're trying to come to terms with the announcement of a sudden death.

I just opened my email a few minutes ago and it took me a minute to comprehend what I read: THE TRAGIC LOSS OF MIKE YACONELLI

If you would like more information about the founder of Youth Specialties, you can go here and read about what this man has done - in blessing others through his life and in challenging Christians through his works.

Libellés :

mercredi 29 octobre 2003

The future church

One thing, before I go:

(Copyright Gospel Communications International, Inc - Reverend Fun)

It's snowing like crazy outside. I love it since it's snow but now I can't drive to school, which means transit :( Oh well, Christmas is coming!

Libellés :

I should be doing homework...

Yet here I am blogging again. I actually have a major research paper due tomorrow so this will be quick and short.

I talked to the Dean a few weeks ago and he's willing to let me do a Directed Study next semester so I can graduate! That means I get to pick my curriculum and design the study any way I want it. I'm really excited right now because I'm thinking of doing a reading course where I get to read, say, the top 25 greatest works of fiction in western civilization. Something like that. And I get credit for doing something I've always wanted to do!

As well, in about 3-5 days, I get to apply for my program! I suppose I should spill my guts as to what I want to take since I'm really praying that I get into this competitive program. I've been deliberating this over for the last few months and even though I've been having a hard time hearing God's voice, I figure if I don't take a step of action, I'll never know if this is where God is leading me or not. My friend pointed out to me that faith is followed by action, not inaction, so hopefully I'll know soon enough if this is what God wants for me! So... this is what I'm going for!

Anyways, this has been long enough so I'm going to go research some more Mormonism now (dry look on my face). Hopefully I won't have to be up late tonight working on it. Oh the perils of procrastination.

Libellés :

mardi 28 octobre 2003

Music cont.

Wow guys, thanks for the comments you made on the music post!

While I don't listen to non-Christian music much, I would have to say that their overall quality is usually better than Christian music, which saddens me. It shows that we're being mediocre with the talents that God has given us to use for His glory. I mean, back then for example, the Sistine Chapel was an example of amazing artistic excellence to everyone who saw it. People could see the devotion and energy that Michelangelo spent in making sure that the end result looked like nothing seen on earth before - giving people a glimpse of the beauty and majesty of God. Why is it that the standards for anything Christian nowadays is so much lower than that of the world's? People aren't inspired when they see average art nor are they inspired when they hear sub-par music. A lot of Christian music nowadays simply mimic styles they've heard in the secular world and just replace them with Christian words. Why would the world want to hear anything like that? That's what their own music is for. Why can't creativity and originality play a part in Christian music then? Then it can be something new that people will want to listen to, the music, which will then lead to the life-giving and transforming power of the words in the lyrics.

That said, I do love great Christian music and I really respect the veterans who have adapted their music to the culture throughout the years to make it relevant to music listeners but as a whole, this subculture is getting too cozy with its mediocrity in music excellence.

Secondly, I agree with what Tracy said, about listening to secular music in order to understand what youth are being influenced by. I love that Youth Specialties has done stuff like "Videos That Teach", incorporating popular media into themes and ideas that you can use to help your youth learn more about God, etc. And I know that Group Magazine has articles that use recent secular music as discussion starters for kids which is a fantastic idea. It's really rare that kids will listen solely to Christian music so I'm trying to listen to more secular music so that I'll get a glimpse into their world.

Lastly, Christian music should be written about all parts of life. It's as if they've separated the sacred from the secular in their lives, which is not what God wants us to do. He wants to encompass everything in our lives! I remember hearing that some Christian radio stations wouldn't play anything by Jake because they had a few songs on their album that were about girls. Give me a break; they're guys!! Girls are obviously a big part of their life, so if they have a song or two about them, big deal! In fact, I thought it was really brave that they did that. Their music was later picked up by MuchMusic and teens could listen to positive music about how guys viewed girls rather than other stuff out there where non-Christian guys were singing about girls as sex objects or worse. Yet, some parts of the Christian world backlashed against them because their album wasn't all songs about God. Yes, God is important but it's better that these Christian artists sing about life where faith is integrated in everything they do rather than sing songs for the sake of counting how many mentions of "Jesus" were made on the album. So going from this theme, why can't Christian artists sing about pain, loss of a loved one, rape, the effects of divorce or abortion, being abused, etc.? It's as if they're denying that any of this even exists. All I'm saying is that if Christian music doesn't reflect more realistically what living as a Christian is truly like (pain as well as joy), then people aren't going to pay much attention to what they are singing about.

*Note: I am not thinking of praise and worship music when I mention Christian music in general. I love praising God (hence the title of this blog) and I am thankful for all the great songs and hymns that have been written to praise Him. When I mention Christian music, I am talking about bands that well, create music that are Christian themed or based. ie. dc Talk, Jars of Clay, Audio Adrenaline, etc.

Whoa, that was a long speel. I better go do some homework now before I post anymore and it gets even longer and harder to read! Thanks for bearing with me, you deserve an award for that :)

Libellés :

lundi 27 octobre 2003

The spark for my sermon

I think I found exactly what I need for my next sermon in class.

Check this video out. (requires RealPlayer, which can be downloaded from here)

Actually, I need ideas for scripture I could use. I sat at McDonald's this morning combing through the Bible a bit but couldn't think of something to preach on. Ideas?


I got the Evangecube a few years ago as part of an evangelism course thing I took. Well I found the demo for it so you can see it for yourselves!


I know I posted somewhere in here a few months ago that Mondays stink. They do.

- I got my first B today... in my best subject! (Okay you have to know that this is devastating to me! Apparently I write too complex and I need to simplify my sentences. Is this true? Can you see that in my blog? This is bugging me!!)
- I almost hit a jaywalker... so don't jaywalk!
- Found out my mom has to go for radiation next month, and that she's still in much pain. Please continue to pray for her!

Umm yeah, that's it so far. I sure hope this day doesn't get worse!!

Libellés :

Quiz Result

You are: POM-POM!

You're the best friend in the world. You're an intelligent and laid-back kind of person who plays it cool, but will always stick up for your best bud. No one's really got anything against you. You can be on good terms with just about anybody, and have no trouble attracting the opposite sex. Your great social powers can even allow you to cross the boundaries of the most rigid and hostile cliques. You can best befriend a Homestar or a Strong Bad.

Which Homestar Runner character are you?

This quiz was made by jurjyfrort

If only this were true in my life :) I need to get to sleep now! No more hot chocolate for me.

Libellés :

dimanche 26 octobre 2003

Fall back

I just love Daylight Savings Time! Say it with me, 1 extra hour of sleep in the fall... sigh. Anyways, I have to get ready for church soon.

I am so incredible behind in all of my schoolwork. Thank goodness God is going to teach me discipline this year though; I desperately need it!!

Pained music

Most people who know me know that I don't listen to secular (not Christian) music at all... well maybe once in a blue moon if I'm in someone's car and some other station is playing. But I've been listening to a lot of Michelle Branch lately and I'm really impressed with how well she captures the experiences in her life in a song.

I don't mean to diss the Christian music world or anything, but sometimes a lot of songs we typically hear are "feel-good" songs that make life look like one big happy bubble. I don't know, are non-Christian songs more honest about life? I mean, these artists write from personal experience and you can hear the agony that they've gone through, the heart-wrenching emotions that they've laid in their lyrics and you can feel this pain. There are a few Christian songs that do this, but not enough. When was the last time you remember hearing a song that cried out to God like David did in the Psalms - baring his soul to the Lord and releasing his anguish from the pit of his heart? I do love hearing songs that uplift the Lord but there has to be songs too that show the reality of a Christian's life, that there are valleys as well as mountains. Maybe I'm just not listening closely enough?

This may seem contradictory to the post that I wrote about Creed where I said that I disliked hearing songs that were not positive and uplifting. Well, I would rather hear an honest song from a Christian who's struggling with life but is turning to God than an honest song about how horrible life is and that there's no solution. Oh, I just remembered that Jeremy Camp's CD is an excellent example of what I mean. A lot of the songs off his album have to do with his pain and hurt from the loss of his wife to cancer. He doesn't deny what he's going through and his album reflects that. You can hear the struggles of doubt as he sings but you know that he has a faith that will carry him through no matter what. I hope more Christian artists will begin to do this and show the world that their songs reflect all of life - ups and downs.

"The only place I can go is into Your arms
Where I throw to You my feeble prayers
In brokenness I can that this was Your will for me
Help me to know that You are near."
- Jeremy Camp "I Still Believe"

samedi 25 octobre 2003

Stepping into another world

Well, I went to take volleyball pictures this morning for our college's home tourney and then I headed to the library again (I'm such a geek... but I'm allowed to be, I used to work at the library!). Anyways, I took out another Francine Rivers book to read when I finished all of my other homework. Yeah, didn't exactly happen. Instead, I read straight through "The Scarlet Thread", not putting it down once since I was bawling so much! Great book, I definitely recommend it. Then again, Rivers writes in such a way that even if you don't relate at all to the main character, you will identify with their circumstances and emotions. So far, she is the only author I have read who truly allows you to completely step inside a character's mind, to the point where you share in their joys and their griefs. Isn't this what the essence of storytelling is?! If anyone has suggestions for other authors who craft their words together so well that you enter into a different world perfectly and you feel you actually become that character, let me know, I'd be glad to read some of their works!

On a side note, skateboarders rock! They are so civil and kind! I'm just saying this because they've always been so nice to me, and a few days ago, when I stopped at the crosswalk for a skateboarder, he tipped his hat at me and said "thanks" (such a rarity considering I get glares from all adults when I do this)! Maybe I'm biased though since I worked for a skateboard ministry this summer and my church just loves them and has been reaching out to them for years now :)

vendredi 24 octobre 2003

Acts 2

Wow, I've managed to not blog for two and a half days! Anyways, I suppose I should tell you who the guests were that graced our chapel on Tuesday! We had Peter Neumann and... Charlie Peacock! Isn't that awesome?!

Anyways, my mom went for surgery this morning and I want to thank everyone for their prayers. It's been so incredible seeing how much people have been supporting us, especially my church. I definitely feel like my church is the Acts 2 church, where everyone is genuinely concerned about each other. I am in awe at how much love people have been showing me so thank you!

"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
- 2 Corinthians 13:14

Libellés : ,

mardi 21 octobre 2003

I am alive!

Yes, I made it through my sermon just fine. Although I thought I was losing my voice at the beginning and I really felt nauseous too. But God is good! He calmed my nerves and got me through it without any throw-upedness or fainting. Thanks for praying everyone :)

So let's see what's happened lately. Oh life group on Sunday went well; I got to meet some of the new kids in my group which was cool. And then one of my friendly acquaintances (friends? fellow video guy? guy I helped with editing sometimes? I don't know what he is), Justin, edited a video for the youth which was fantastic and he even used a Starfield song at the end (which just made the video ending the best ever)!

So when my sermon was over yesterday, I went for lunch with my friend Christy. She's awesome and she gave me the sweetest compliment. Apparently I'm the "only sane person at college". Finally, I interviewed one of my friends about Mormonism and I was dead tired when I got home!

Today was incredible though. We had special guests in chapel... you will never believe who came today!! No, seriously. I had to make sure my eyes were working okay when I found out. Not to mention the camera frenzy I went into when I saw that NO ONE was taking any pictures! I'm still reeling from the whole chapel experience... maybe I'll tell you who the guests were tomorrow. Good night!

Libellés :

dimanche 19 octobre 2003

"And this not from yourselves"

It is so amazing how God can teach me the same thing through so many different ways! For example, I'm working on a sermon/talk right now for my preaching class and it's on the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke. I've also been studying Mormonism in Cults class. And we are currently going through the book of Romans in the main services at church. So what do these things have to do with each other?

Well, I didn't see the connection until now actually. For the last few weeks, I've been trying to figure out the key idea in the parable to focus on, and God led me towards the idea of thinking it all depends on us, when it doesn't. And then, with Mormonism, my class TA mentioned that the Mormons basically got this verse:

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
- Ephesians 2:8-10

the other way around. We are saved by faith not by works. Works come as a result of our being saved - they don't come as a precursor to getting saved which leads to the Mormon belief that our salvation can come from our own efforts.

And then in the Roman series, our pastor pointed out that salvation is unearned.

"Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify."
- Romans 3:20-21

So I guess I could say that I've been bombarded (in a sense) with this lately! I'm glad though because I have to communicate this to my class tomorrow morning and I'm scared out of my wits. Have I mentioned how intimidating preaching to your peers can be?! Pray for me tomorrow at 10:00am MST please, that I won't throw up or faint or anything!! Thanks :)

samedi 18 octobre 2003

The body of Christ

"But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way....
Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the body of Christ....
Jesus is the way"
- Casting Crowns "If We Are The Body"

vendredi 17 octobre 2003

Movie fun

Our life group event was a blast!! We got to watch our movie through a projector on the side of a house - our own private theatre! I hope everyone had fun; I had the greatest time! I am so full of food right now though. Us 6 girls went through 6 bags of popcorn and then afterwards, two more girls showed up to help us finish our cakes :) Yummy. Anyways, Nicola took a bunch of pictures, so hopefully I'll be able to post those on the side soon.

Melissa posted an interesting meme on her page and I thought I would fill it out.

Pick one blogger for each of these. (The last question is exempt from this rule). You can pick the same blogger as an answer for more than one question.

The blogger you'd trust with your life: Hmm, I would say my best friend but she doesn't have a blog! So I guess that won't work.

The blogger you can trust with your deepest, darkest secrets: Alright, I'll stick to the 'bloggers only' rule. It's a secret ;)

The blogger who makes you laugh the most: Tracy

The blogger who makes you think the most: Coqui

The blogger you'd like to live near to (in terms of city - comment mine): Jeremy - okay, I'm cheating. I want to stay in my hometown.

The blogger you'd like to have as a roommate: No one. This is why I could never survive in dorms.

The blogger you'd like to go to Disneyland (or Six Flags) with: My life group - they blog.

The blogger on your blogroll who is most similar to you. How? Michelle - even though she's older, we are both in youth ministry, working on the college yearbook, have same favourite music groups, and have never dated, which is a pretty cool coincidence.

The blogger on your blogroll who is most different than you. How? Carly - she is waaaaay talented, 'nuff said.

Lastly, pick five bloggers you'd like to have a party with. What would you do? My life group again. We'd probably have a movie party again, see above :)

Libellés :

Stella is 7!

Wow, my little cousin is so old now :)

Friday Five:

1. Name five things in your refrigerator.
Yogurt, milk, cheese, apple juice, ketchup.

2. Name five things in your freezer.
Eggo waffles, frozen corn on the cob, Minute Maid lemonade, frozen dinners, frozen pizza.

3. Name five things under your kitchen sink.
Recycled pop cans, dishwashing detergent, cutting board, flower pot, watering can.

4. Name five things around your computer.
Books, candy, CDs, paper, a calendar.

5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet.
I don't take medicine so floss, face cream, perfume, a razor and bubble bath.

Libellés :

mercredi 15 octobre 2003


I was driving this morning and I remembered something, upon which I said to myself, "I have to blog about that!". Yeah, I forget now. And it was witty too, or at least I'm telling myself it was :)

Driving is scary. I almost got hit four times in the same parking lot today at Co-op, and all by old guys!! No offence, but really, all of these 60+ year olds nearly killed me! They are more dangerous than any teenagers I've seen on the road. I dare say that teens could be better drivers than they are!

Oh yeah, I remember now. My friend Shelley was almost driven off the road this morning by a semi on the highway and she mentioned in class that "basically, you're trusting every single other driver on the road not to kill you".

mardi 14 octobre 2003

It's my birthday!

Usually I don't tell people my birthday because they don't bother to remember it, but it's my blog so I can celebrate on here!

The history midterm was grueling; I already know that I got some questions wrong. And now I get to read two textbooks and write three papers for my evening class tonight so farewell. I don't think I've ever had so much work to do on any of my birthdays ever. I guess my shopping spree at a Christian bookstore today more than made up for that though. And after class, I get birthday cake, yum! Actually it's a pretty good day, I forgot to mention my English class was cancelled because my prof is in Paris this week. Hmm I really need to count my blessings....

And of course, happy birthday to Meaghan and Carlee as well :)

lundi 13 octobre 2003

Egyptian poetry

I'm studying for my midterm tomorrow morning and I came across a poem I meant to post a long time ago. It'll make you chuckle because it's so typical of guys (*note: typical - doesn't mean all guys are like this).

Okay because of copyright issues which I do not wish to infringe upon, I will give a quick commentary of the poem. It's called "Joyful Even Without Beer" and it's basically a love poem that an Egyptian guy writes from way back when. He talks about how glad he is when he sees her, and how his heart jumps. And then as he writes about kissing this girl, he says that he is happy even without beer (from "When Egypt Ruled the East" by George Steindorff and Keith C. Seele, p. 125). Haha :)

The perfect boyfriend story

I lied. I should be reading my textbooks right now, but I'm reading some blogs instead. And Michaela has a link to the funniest composition here. Although I get the sarcasm behind it, girls don't really want guys like that do they?? I think the whole unicorn-dolphin stuff would have me screaming for miles (ahem: kilometres). That's okay, it's a hilarious story and it brightened my Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Canadian, that is. For those puzzled why it's earlier in the year for us, check out the history of it. It's such a great time of year to remember God for all the great things He has blessed us with (not that we don't everyday already)!

I won't be having much of a Thanksgiving this year because I have to read through three textbooks completely and study for a midterm tomorrow. It's not much of a birthday present either :( Oh well, on to studying!

dimanche 12 octobre 2003

The Apostles' Creed

This hangs on my wall as a reminder of the historical biblical Christian faith that I have, and after going on a field trip for my Cults class, I feel it is necessary to post what I do believe in.

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day He rose again.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic* church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.

* The word "catholic" does not refer to the Roman Catholic Church, but to the universal church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This means that I believe in the Trinity, that there is ONE God in three persons (not three gods, not two gods, not one god in only one person or one god in two persons or one god in three phases or whatever else is out there) in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus Christ is God and that He was God incarnate. He was man AND God, therefore I do not believe in docetism (God only) or ebionitism (man only). I believe that the Holy Spirit dwells within believers of Christ. Jesus Christ is LORD and SAVIOUR - meaning not only do I have hope that I will be with Him in heaven, I have also committed my life completely to Him. I believe in sola Scriptura, but I know that my faith is also shaped by the church fathers throughout history. I am thankful for the canon and the creeds and the Church - the body of Jesus Christ. I think that about sums it up, if I can think of anymore I'll be sure to post it! Oh and what denomination am I? I think denomination refers more to the style of worship that each Christian prefers and should not be a divisive matter at all. I think it is vibrant and enriching when people have the freedom to pick which style suits them best, whether Baptist or Pentecostal. Personally, I prefer to worship God in an evangelical church (this is what it means, if you've never heard of it before):

1. In accordance with the Christian gospel, especially the four gospel books of the New Testament.
2. Being a Protestant church that founds its teaching on the gospel.
3. Being a Christian church believing in the sole authority and inerrancy of the Bible, in salvation only through regeneration, and in a spiritually transformed personal life. It stresses personal conversion and salvation by faith and is characterized by ardent or crusading enthusiasm.
4. Emphasizing salvation by faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ through personal conversion, the authority of Scripture, and the importance of preaching as contrasted with ritual.
- from Merriam-Webster and

The big taboo

Things you should never do while attending a Mormon church:
1. Laugh hysterically and uncontrollably while the women are singing a 'hymn'.
2. See above.
3. Continue laughing even after women's Sunday school is over.
4. Laugh some more in the hallways.
5. Laugh even more hysterically when male elders walk by.

Whoops. I know I must have offended tons of Mormons today and I feel bad; I just have such a hard time trying to control my laugh attacks! This isn't the first time but I wish it was the last!


Well I've significantly cut down on TV, although I still watch my regular shows (Touched By An Angel, FreeTV, Your Music Zone, The District), but I'm trying to branch out and watch stuff I wouldn't ordinarily so I can get some new ideas for editing.

Anyways I'm watching a bit of MadTV (blocking out the audio) and there was a sketch called "Sunday Morning with Graham Clark" which was... interesting. It was a mock of a church service where "Pastor Jim" preached a sermon, only God didn't exist in this picture. It was filled with the "Amens" and all the other typical pulpit statements, but how depressing! Do people look at Christians and see us like this, getting wild over "nothing" (as it was in the skit)? Yeah, I'm over thinking this parody but still, it's more sad than funny.

Side note: I forget how funny Saturday Night Live can be - minus the gross stuff of course! It's good to laugh once in a while :)

samedi 11 octobre 2003

Writer's Identity

Ever read through a blog and form a picture of what that person looks like in your head? I wonder how closely tied one's writing personality and one's physical appearance are, and if there's any correlation at all. Just for fun, try going to a blog that doesn't have pictures on it and see if you come up with a mental picture of the writer at all :)

Libellés :

vendredi 10 octobre 2003

Field trips

Going to a Buddhist temple tomorrow and a Mormon temple on Sunday after church. Pray that God will protect our spirits and give us discernment as we head into unsafe territory. I know the enemy will be attacking us and that we need to keep our guards up. Thankfully, the groups I'm going with will be having prayer before and afterwards. I really wish I didn't have to go to either but if I'm to study these religions, then I need to understand what people in other religions are doing. I just have such a desire to reach those who are far from God, and I guess this will give me a better picture of these people.

"Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."
- 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Grounded in faith

I've been so down and out lately; sorry my blog's been a bummer to read. But today, after hearing our TA teach in class about the Mormon religion - somehow I felt so re-energized. That was one of the best lectures I've been to in my life. The fact that it was in Cults class seemed a little strange, but wow, talk about a way to get people back into the Word. I have an even stronger desire now to be so grounded in my faith in Christ and my thirst for reading the Bible has come back. I want to be absolutely sure of what I believe in so that I can never lose the foundation in my life. What a blessing my morning turned out to be!

Friday Five:

1. Do you watch sports? If so, which ones?
I barely have time for TV now. I used to watch the World Cup. And of course, the Olympics when it was on. I think the video editor wants me to watch football though so I can learn to be more creative for editing.

2. What/who are your favourite sports teams and/or favourite athletes?
Sports teams - go Stamps and the Flames! Athletes? I used to be really into figure skating when I was younger so I loved Kristy Yamaguichi and Michelle Kwan. I don't really follow athletes.

3. Are there any sports you hate?
Can't think of any. I'll get back to this when I think of one.

4. Have you ever been to a sports event?
Yep - I remember the first football game I went to with my youth group. My best friend and I had tickets in a different area and these old creepy drunk guys kept talking to us... eeech.

5. Do/did you play any sports (in school or other)? How long did you play?
I used to be on the soccer team - it was only for a year though. And believe it or not, I was in skipping club all throughout elementary school (is that a sport?). I was in badminton club too. Boy, I did a lot of stuff until I busted my knee playing basketball at the beginning of high school. Sadly, it still hurts like heck. I was going to be on the soccer team this year too but I'm way too busy with youth.


Oh yeah, please pray for my mom! She's been feeling really sick for so long now and next week, we're going to the hospital for some tests. Thanks!

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jeudi 9 octobre 2003

School blues

I am horribly disgusted at what's going on in some classmates' lives behind college doors. Such blatant hypocrisy and these people are aware that what they've done goes against the community responsibilities agreements they signed. And what makes my blood boil is that they're in spiritual leadership positions. Shouldn't the school be more stringent on ensuring that these peoples' talk matches their walk? (I'm not saying I'm any better than these people, but I am so discouraged that these people preach to us telling us to live one way and then go out and consciously go against that themselves).

The school needs to address this. It's something everyone knows about anyways, it's just that no one talks about it. What a shame, especially if these people are to be the future leaders of the church. I'm praying that this gets addressed asap - it's almost humiliating to associate myself with this school when people of other places know about all the junk that's happening. And while I sound really harsh in this, I really am concerned about these people. If they think they can get away with stuff like this now, what will happen when they're in ministry and the truth comes out and it damages themselves, their family, their ministry and their congregants? I want to approach this issue in love, but at the same time, there is an anger burning inside me that this self-destruction is happening to my classmates. I'm worried I'll fall into that trap of denial as well and it's making me start to despise my school. Pray that I can resolve this with God - it's eating me away.

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mercredi 8 octobre 2003


I'm behind on my reading. This is what I'm up to:

- Leading Without Power by Max Depree
- Intentional Integrity by Millard MacAdam
- Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders
- The New Leader by Myron Rush
- Encouraging the Heart by Kouzes and Posner
- Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels
- The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell
- Learn to Dance the Soul Salsa by Leonard Sweet
- The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader by John Maxwell
- Developing the Leader Within You by John Maxwell
- Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership by McIntosh and Rima
- Liberating the Laity by R. Paul Stevens
- The Empowered Leader by Calvin Miller
- How to Speak to Youth and Keep Them Awake at the Same Time by Ken Davis
- Preaching to a Postmodern (there's that word again!) World by Graham Johnston
- The Making of the New Spirituality by James A. Herrick
- Articles of Faith (for Cults class)
- The Book of Mormon (for Cults class)
- The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin
- Is the Mormon My Brother? Discerning the Differences Between Mormonism and Christianity by James R. White
- The Gospel According to Joseph Smith: A Christian Response to Mormon Teaching by Ethan E. Harris
- The God Makers: Shocking Expose of What the Mormon Church Really Believes by Ed Decker & Dave Hunt
- The Counterfeit Gospel of Mormonism by Francis J. Beckwith, Norman Geisler, Ron Rhodes, Phil Roberts, Jerald & Sandra Tanner
- Mormonism Unmasked by R. Philip Roberts
- The Mormon Illusion by Floyd C. McElveen
- Is Mormonism Christian: Mormon Doctrine Compared with Biblical Christianity by Gordon H. Fraser
- What Every Mormon Should Know by Edmond C. Gruss
- New Testament Commentary on Luke by Leon Morris
- The Millionaire and the Scrublady and Other Parables by William E. Barton
- Extreme Righteousness: Seeing Ourselves in the Pharisees by Tom Hovestol
- The Parables: Understanding the Stories Jesus Told by Simon J. Kistemaker

Fun reading:
- Waking the Dead by John Eldredge
- The Computer Videomaker Handbook
- Photoshop 6 for Dummies by Deke McClelland
- In My World by Ro Logrippo

And on top of that, my special order of books from a Christian bookstore in town has been messed up again for the 3rd time. I've been waiting for over a month now and they keep missing two of my books. Oy I really would like my books right now.

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"Stuffy stuff"

There are other people on the yearbook committee now! Pray that they commit for the whole year, unlike last year, and that they actually see the yearbook to COMPLETION. That would be such a nice burden off my shoulders.

I got to use the Avid for the first time ever today. What fun, what adventures! I am learning so much, and I am loving every second of it :)

Honestly, these days I am feeling so alienated. I do not feel like I belong at my college. This sucks to say since it makes me sound like I'm anti-social (which I'm not), but everyday this week, I've been reading in my car during my breaks. Seriously, sitting there and listening to music and eating lunch, trying to avoid everyone at school. I'm getting fed up with the superficiality of people and I just want to get away. But as I write this, it sounds like I am the one with the problem.

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mardi 7 octobre 2003

In honour of Nickkie

She's getting her braces off tomorrow! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Nickkie, you are going to looooove being able to eat anything again *Smile!*

P.S. This article is so brutal!

P.P.S. I am going to stop posting and get down to some actual homework, which I've been putting off all evening.

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Microsoft "works"

After having my lapper for a year and not having ANY luck trying to figure out how to view source on my browser, I decided to head over to Google and see if anyone else was having problems. Lo and behold, a ton of people have been having issues with XP and I finally found the answer to my dilemma. Just in case anyone else has had the same problem, here's what to do:

"In your internet options of Explorer first delete all temporary internet files, then change your settings to use only 20 megs of diskspace to store such data (that is PLENTY and should be the default), no matter how large your drive is. And finally you could (optional) go to advanced settings and under security check the box next to "empty temp files on exit". Problem solved! Magically, your View Source command works again as advertised!"
- from JensO on (Thanks JensO!!)

Unintentional lying

You know how when people say, "How are you?", and the natural reflex is to respond "Fine"? What if you're not really? Do you reply, "Not that great" or still say "Fine"? It's such a customary thing - an ingrained part of speech that to not say fine is to practically go against decorum rules (not to mention inadvertently lying to the other person). But if I were to say I wasn't feeling fine, would anyone take the time to ask why or would they continue on as if I said I was fine? Just a thought... and no, I'm not depressed or anything, just feeling discouraged a bit.

lundi 6 octobre 2003

Responsibilities of Leadership

I am currently reading "Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders" for class and it is fantastic!

Here is a list of principles which I need to apply to my life from the Archbishop Benson, found on pp. 128-129.

- Eagerly start the day's main work.
- Do not murmur at your busyness or the shortness of time, but buy up the time all around.
- Never exaggerate duties by seeming to suffer under the load, but treat all responsibilities as liberty and gladness.
- Never call attention to crowded work or trivial expenses.
- Do not believe everything you hear; do not spread gossip.
- Do not seek praise, gratitude, respect, or regard for past service.
- Avoid complaining when your advice or opinion is not consulted, or having been consulted, set aside.
- Never allow yourself to be placed in favourable contrast with anyone.
- Do not press conversation to your own needs and concerns.
- Seek no favours, nor sympathies; do not ask for tenderness, but receive what comes.
- Bear the blame; do not share or transfer it.
- Give thanks when credit for your own work or ideas is given to another.

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Do not worry

"... do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
- Matthew 6:34

Jared and Mike preached sermons on worrying today in preaching class and it really struck me since I am such a worrywart. But I'm slowly learning to release all my burdens unto God. I guess right now, I am constantly thinking about the program I'm applying for and whether that's my calling and if it's where God wants me to be. I guess I'm kind of embarrassed that out of all my friends, I'm still the only one who doesn't know for certain what I'm going to do "when I grow up". All I know is that God definitely wants me in ministry... I guess I'll see where that goes. But for now, I want to live in His will each and every day.

dimanche 5 octobre 2003


Okay I just realized that the last sentence I wrote was total Christianese. Anyways, I think I am starting to understand what I'm craving in life. I want a walk with God that's filled with adventure, mystery and the unknown.

God wants us to invite Him into our day and live an ordinary life turned into something extraordinary with Him!

This is what I'm longing for! I don't want anymore of the mundane and unchallenged. I want to live a stellar life for Him - going to the extremes and willing to risk it all for Jesus! I desire for my life to be full of zest, joy and action! Now to get started....

Running the race

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
- 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Sometimes I am so discouraged in my Christian walk because I feel I am not disciplined enough. I wonder if I'm really trying or if I'm doing things out of routine. When I pray, read the Word, attend church - is it still a passion of mine or am I simply used to it? And am I doing enough? Couldn't I be praying more, helping others more, getting into the Bible more? I don't feel like I'm doing my best to run for the prize and I worry I'm getting complacent in my faith. I'll be honest, I don't think I'm being challenged as much as I expected when I decided to go to a Christian college. I think having been in public education all my life made me even more sure of my identity in Christ, and now that I'm in a Christian setting (I'm not talking about church) - I no longer feel unique or different in Him. And this has caused me to settle into a monotonous routine. I'm going all over the place with this, but I think I just need to refocus on my first love and really spend time with Him.

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samedi 4 octobre 2003


Starfield became official Sparrow recording records yesterday at 5pm! How exciting! And even though I'm not that fond of U2, I'll still borrow the tribute album just so I can hear Starfield. Is that bad?


I am awake... finally! But I, being the blog nerd, realized that I forgot to do the Friday Five yesterday.

1. What vehicle do you drive?
A Toyota. I don't feel like mentioning what exactly just in case you've seen me drive :)

2. How long have you had it?
It's not really mine but I'm able to use it.

3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle?
My snazzy tape deck, oh yeah.

4. What is the most annoying thing about your vehicle?
Can't really think of anything. One of the vents is broken, but that's not much.

5. If money were no object, what vehicle would you be driving right now?
The one I have now. Exactly the same... only I'd change the colour.

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Sleepover fun

Last night was an awesome night. We had over 100 youth show up and we ended up having to split them in half for the first part but it was such a fun evening! My group didn't get to go to the citywide worship event, which I guess was rather good because it wasn't what the other group expected. And when we brought the kids to a rollerskating/blading rink, it was one of the only times I've ever laughed that hard. I mean, kids in spandex, short shorts and "ice" - what a hoot! Not to mention all the tricks, crashes and water fights too :)

Then when got back at around midnight, we watched "Bend It Like Beckham", which was an interesting choice considering some of its content. I am always frustrated when I watch movies and the "guy" doesn't notice the "girl" until she's in some "pretty outfit" and then there's a moment of "oh she's the one for me" (cue lights and music). (Quotation marks because that is so typical). That is extremely lame - as if changing an outfit suddenly brings a guy to the realization that this girl is actually beautiful but she has to wear ordinary garb the rest of the time which makes her... not. And of course, the movie ended with a kiss - which drew countless sighs from all the teenage girls (good tactics Hollywood). Well there's my rant for the day, I'll try not to do anymore since hearing a person complain isn't uplifting. But really, some movies just make you go... ahh!!

Finally, my room got to bed between 3:30-5:30am depending on who was talking throughout the night. And we had to get up at 7:00am to clear the church for a funeral. So now that I'm finished my blog update, I will sleep!

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vendredi 3 octobre 2003

Lissa, this is for you

Yes it is 1:30am and I have a test tomorrow, not to mention a no-sleep sleepover, but I just had to stick this up for my best friend: The Gopher Hole Museum's Shining Exhibit
Torrington, here we come!

Taken out of context

"I don't know you
But I love you anyway
I can't see you
But I hope you're here to stay
I don't know you
But I need you here with me
'Cause I'm falling down
I'm falling down"
- Bebo Norman "Falling Down"

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jeudi 2 octobre 2003

The good, the bad and the ugly

Good news: Papers are done (for now)! Sleepover tomorrow night :)
Bad news: The Vibe Awards are moving to Toronto... WHY?!
Ugly news: And the number one worst junk food hands down is:
1. French fries and potato chips. Here's why: Yes, it's unparalleled sodium-loading enzyme-dead food. But new information now shows that it's high in acrylimide, a known cancer-causing agent. In fact, the amount of acyrlimide in a serving of fast-food French fries is 300 times above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's limit set for one glass of water.

mercredi 1 octobre 2003

Too much stuff!

- Two papers due tomorrow
- Lots and lots of editing
- So incredibly tired
- Call life group
- Meeting with pastor tomorrow
- SUExec meeting
- Membership application
- Reading quiz
- Chiropractor appointment
- PowerPoint chaos
- Video critique
- Church sleepover
- All of this for the next two days?! I think I need a nap... so long!

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