mercredi 8 octobre 2003


I'm behind on my reading. This is what I'm up to:

- Leading Without Power by Max Depree
- Intentional Integrity by Millard MacAdam
- Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders
- The New Leader by Myron Rush
- Encouraging the Heart by Kouzes and Posner
- Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels
- The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell
- Learn to Dance the Soul Salsa by Leonard Sweet
- The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader by John Maxwell
- Developing the Leader Within You by John Maxwell
- Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership by McIntosh and Rima
- Liberating the Laity by R. Paul Stevens
- The Empowered Leader by Calvin Miller
- How to Speak to Youth and Keep Them Awake at the Same Time by Ken Davis
- Preaching to a Postmodern (there's that word again!) World by Graham Johnston
- The Making of the New Spirituality by James A. Herrick
- Articles of Faith (for Cults class)
- The Book of Mormon (for Cults class)
- The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin
- Is the Mormon My Brother? Discerning the Differences Between Mormonism and Christianity by James R. White
- The Gospel According to Joseph Smith: A Christian Response to Mormon Teaching by Ethan E. Harris
- The God Makers: Shocking Expose of What the Mormon Church Really Believes by Ed Decker & Dave Hunt
- The Counterfeit Gospel of Mormonism by Francis J. Beckwith, Norman Geisler, Ron Rhodes, Phil Roberts, Jerald & Sandra Tanner
- Mormonism Unmasked by R. Philip Roberts
- The Mormon Illusion by Floyd C. McElveen
- Is Mormonism Christian: Mormon Doctrine Compared with Biblical Christianity by Gordon H. Fraser
- What Every Mormon Should Know by Edmond C. Gruss
- New Testament Commentary on Luke by Leon Morris
- The Millionaire and the Scrublady and Other Parables by William E. Barton
- Extreme Righteousness: Seeing Ourselves in the Pharisees by Tom Hovestol
- The Parables: Understanding the Stories Jesus Told by Simon J. Kistemaker

Fun reading:
- Waking the Dead by John Eldredge
- The Computer Videomaker Handbook
- Photoshop 6 for Dummies by Deke McClelland
- In My World by Ro Logrippo

And on top of that, my special order of books from a Christian bookstore in town has been messed up again for the 3rd time. I've been waiting for over a month now and they keep missing two of my books. Oy I really would like my books right now.

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