dimanche 29 février 2004

Music meme

Lance posted a cool idea, which he got from Christopher and so on :)

Step 1: Open your mp3 player.
Step 2: Put all of your music on random.
Step 3: List the first ten songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing.

1. Into Your Heart - Seven Places (Lonely for the Last Time)
2. Live to Worship - Joy Williams and Point of Grace (Girls of Grace)
3. Call to Worship - mercyme (Almost There)
4. God's Romance - Delirious? (Glo)
5. Joy - Tree 63 (Open the Eyes of My Heart Disc 1)
6. Your Kisses Blind Me - The Benjamin Gate (Contact)
7. Overthinking - Relient K (Two Lefts Don't Make a Right... But Three Do)
8. Ammunition - Switchfoot (The Beautiful Let Down)
9. I Luv Rap Music - dc Talk (Nu Thang)
10. Can I Stay Here Forever - Starfield (Tumbling After)

samedi 28 février 2004

New media

Since I'm at church for the usual twelve hours tomorrow, I thought I'd post today instead.

So last week was Reading Week at school, but I didn't do any work for my classes. It ended up being Yearbook Week for me, but I can't complain. The yearbook is half finished now and I'll be finishing the rest this week. The only way I could have survived working on it for 10 straight hours each day was due to RadioU. It was hilarious though because they always ended up playing their most hardcore songs whenever anyone walked into the office, so I ended up getting looks from my friends that said, "You like Christian thrash-metal?!" Haha, well I did find a few new favourite bands last week, such as Eisley, Further Seems Forever, Anberlin and Watashi Wa. Check them out if you get a chance.

Has anyone seen "The Passion of the Christ" yet? I'll be seeing it this weekend with a bunch of friends from high school, and probably again with my life group after I've seen it for myself and gotten minor release forms from their parents. Lissa told me to bring tissues when I see it and no doubt, I'll need them.

"Many have said the violence in the film is too much. So much, in fact, that it is numbing. One thing is for certain; you feel Christ’s passion and agony as he is tortured and crucified. The film is a portrait of pain. With each whip that is cracked, with each nail that is pierced, and with each drop of blood that falls, the audience is there as if they were eyewitnesses to the true event."
- Adam Duckworth, The Phantom Tollbooth

[Listening to: From Above - Burlap to Cashmere - Streams (05:16)]

mardi 17 février 2004

"Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure."

The last post was an allusion to how I've been feeling lately about blogging. I really feel that I have nothing of significant quality to write about anymore; therefore, I hope that absence will give me my necessary space and rekindle my love for writing once again.

I've become more undisciplined as a result of my blog and I want to curb it before it affects my schoolwork and my relationships in life. What began as a journal of daily chronicles evolved into a place for some of my rants and has now become a tiring work to keep up. Writing should not ever become a chore.

Thus I take my leave of absence temporarily.

Update: Expected date of return, Leap Day. Leap Year Day? That day. You guys rock :)

lundi 16 février 2004

Here to stay or gone tomorrow?

"Good things about blogs:
1) They are interactive; they encourage two-way communication.
2) They are raw prose, unpolished and unrehearsed.
3) They are mostly well designed.

Not-so-good things about blogs:
1) There are too many of them.
2) They are raw prose, unpolished and unrehearsed.
3) They are ephemeral, coming on and going offline, making it difficult to reference them or treat them as a primary source."

- Cynthia McFarland and Brian Reid, Anglicans Online, February 15, 2004. Link via Michaela.

dimanche 15 février 2004

Yep, them again...

Tonight's concert was the best I've been to. Sure, I felt old, but it was absolutely wonderful being able to worship alongside a few hundred twelve and thirteen year olds at their youth conference. Starfield is incredible and I am counting down the days until their next album comes out in stores (May 18th - mark your calendars! apologies that I had written March 18th initially). I've been a fan of them since grade eleven and it's always such a treat to go to their concerts.

Tonight's concert was number four. The first one I went to was a life group event with my girls and we had to go through the whole different-church (and denomination) shock thing at first though so it took a while to get into it. The second one was at the Vibe Awards, so they only played one song. And according to people at church, they were off-tune that night but I couldn't tell since I was wearing earplugs. The third one was at the same venue as the first one and was cool as usual but I was forced to leave early, which I wasn't too pleased about.

So yeah, their opening artist, Amanda Falk was fantastic and she had such a hauntingly beautiful voice. Then Starfield went on and they ended up playing seven songs off their second record and three (I think) from their upcoming release. There was a surprise ode to Canada's hypocritical stance against war which was in French (I'll leave it up to the dear listeners to translate it but let's just say it rocked my socks off)! They also played a lot of worship songs, which capped off the evening. I think it really shows people what the band is all about when they play praise songs at all of their concerts and repeatedly emphasize that these concerts are not just about singing songs but more about being in the presence of God and giving Him the glory.

Non-related: I'm much too critical. I can never attend a concert or anything without nit-picking at the technical details. People probably hate that about me. But tonight, they were fading in between shots of the heavy-metal bands and they were switching from a live camera to a static one that did not zoom in until half a minute later. You just don't do that. Or maybe they were going for a completely new artistic bent. Beats me, I'll stick to my tried and true cutting and switching in between moving camera shots.

Even more non-related: I went on rollerblades for the first time in my life last night. It was quite strange but I can (kind of) walk in them. I'm just not sure about how to 'blade' in them yet.

"We want to make an album that is up to the standards (musically) of the mainstream market. But also something that melds pop-rock with real and honest worship in a way that sounds new and fresh. We're trying really hard not to just follow all the rules, as if working hard to pass an exam for the perfect Christian CD... we want our music and message to be as real as possible... especially when it comes to our shortcomings and struggles."
- Tim Neufeld, Starfield

[Listening to: From Now On - Starfield - Starfield (04:49)]

samedi 14 février 2004

"Better Is One Day" by Matt Redman

How lovely is Your dwelling place
O Lord Almighty
For my soul longs and even faints for You
For here my heart is satisfied
Within Your presence
I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings

Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere

One thing I ask and I would seek
To see Your beauty
To find You in the place Your glory dwells

My heart and flesh cry out
For You, the living God
Your spirit's water to my soul
I've tasted and I've seen
Come once again to me
I will draw near to You
I will draw near to You

vendredi 13 février 2004

Video updated

I get to (almost) finish one of my courses today, so after I finish these two papers and a third one, I am finished one entire course! Back to the good old five after that. And of course, Reading Week comes in two weeks, which I am thrilled about. I don't have Sociology for another two weeks and I don't have too much to do during March except for reading at least ten or so novels for my Lit class. And once yearbook is finished by the end of this month, I am free for the rest of the semester to work on my field lab!

I'm pretty excited about that. I have not spent any time editing lately and it's such a withdrawal for me. The last thing I got to edit on my own would have to be... the baptism and baby dedication videos I worked on last January. Since then, I've done a bit on another baptism video (but not really). I can't wait to fully learn the new editing program and in a few weeks, work in the new editing suite :) My [boss] has been really gracious towards me, knowing that I'm super busy but I feel bad that I haven't been getting apprenticed at all.

After I'm completely trained, I may be working on a bunch more videos ;) I have a copy of all of the videos I've done at the church (sans the last two/three I've worked on) and it's funny how cheesy they looked at first! Seriously, real bad - but at least I didn't use any star wipes like I did in high school. I hope I haven't lost any of my editing skills and that I still have an eye for good videography.

[Listening to: All the Heavens - Third Day - Offerings: A Worship Album (04:03)]

Boundless highlights

"It seems that his resistance to be a member of, and have accountability to, any church body has left him with an outwardly childish understanding of a biblical commitment to Christ." - Uh huh.

"But true hope, which is a Christian virtue, isn't wishful thinking. On the contrary, it looks reality squarely in the eye. It avoids despair because it believes that history has a telos - an end or purpose that will make sense of our stories and the actions that comprise these stories. It proceeds from the assumption that certain things are true and not subject to revocation." - My 2003 summer quote.

"I can just imagine God shaking His head. 'Didn't I promise you good gifts? Didn't I say hope and a future? Streams in the desert? Why can't you believe there's purpose in this time of waiting?'" - Oh yeah.

[Listening to: Goodbye, Goodnight - Jars of Clay - The White Elephant Sessions (02:37)]

mercredi 11 février 2004

Homework blues

Well, I guess I'm "forced" to work on my annotated bibliography now :) My mom is hanging out in my room, watching some TV so I'm just typing away instead of studying on my comfy bed for my midterm tomorrow morning. For some horrible reason, the APA site has gone down and now I've lost five of my sources for my paper. I've also forgotten everything about APA style since high school. Oh well, God is gracious and I still have until three in the morning to do all this.

I've been meaning to post this for a while since it actually happened to me. You know you've been on the computer for far too long when you're watching TV and you start moving the remote control around so that the 'screensaver' doesn't appear suddenly in the middle of your show. Uh huh, I'm a geek.

[Listening to: So Help Me God - dc Talk - Welcome to the Freak Show: Live in Concert (04:28)]

Libellés :

Playlists and an alphabet of ambiguity

I downloaded Windows Media Player 9 a while ago and I just love the playlists feature. Basically, you can set it up so that it can randomly play your songs for hours and hours on end. I have about 1800 songs so it's a great way to get through study sessions.

It's no iTunes but having dialup gives absolutely no advantages for it. I wish I had an iPod though. Considering their 100 million free songs giveaway. Ahh, so that's why everyone is drinking Pepsi; I knew it had to be some sort of promotional tool ;)

I was a Mac fiend in elementary and junior high. They were the first computers I remember working on the most, and I still wish I had gotten an iBook or a PowerBook. Maybe one day in the future.

Right now, I have a million things to do including: study for midterm, read a textbook, write my annotated bibliography, and finish two quizzes.

So, I leave you with my A's to Z's:
A - Act your age: Nope.
B - Boyfriend: Never.
C - Chore you hate: Everything.
D - Dad's name: Dad.
E - Essential make up item: Nothing.
F - Favourite actor: Not sure.
G - Gold or silver: Either. Not picky.
H - Hometown: Cowtown - born and raised.
I - Instruments you play: Recorder. Wretched vocal chords.
J - Job title: Soon-to-be professional student.
K - Kids: None. Except for my life group.
L - Living arrangements: With my parents.
M - Mom's name: Mom.
N - Number of tattoos and piercings: Two.
O - Overnight hospital stays: One.
P - Phobia: Sunflowers.
Q - Quote you like: "Until you find something worth dying for, you're not really living."
R - Religious affiliation: Evangelical Christian.
S - Siblings: None.
T - Time you wake up?: Depends.
U - Unique habit: Reading books in one sitting.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: Cucumbers.
W - Worst habit: Need of music for homework.
X - X-rays you've had: Lots.
Y - Yummy food you make: Hashbrowns.
Z - Zoo animal: Koalas.

[Listening to: Our Love is Loud - David Crowder Band - WOW Worship: Yellow Disc 2 (04:50)]

Libellés :

mardi 10 février 2004

What is love? No, not that song

I feel much better today; thanks for praying! What an encouraging day I've had so far. How can I ever doubt His goodness in the midst of trouble and pain?

I thought I'd share some wonderful quotes I got in an email last night from Mikey's Funnies. They are answers that came from little kids when asked, "What is Love?"

"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it every day." Noelle - age 7
"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs." Chrissy - age 6
"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other." Karl - age 5
"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth." Billy - age 4
"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget." Jessica - age 8

[Listening to: Oh Draw Me Lord - Selah - Press On (03:20)]

lundi 9 février 2004

Beyond a fine, thanks and you

Just going through a lot of cruddy stuff right now. My mom is getting brutal side effects from her last week of chemo, which we didn't expect because we were told her last week was in January. Turns out they give more chemo if someone is healthy enough (a mixed blessing?) and now she's being prepped for her surgery in less than a month to have her cancer removed. We're dealing with all this junk from the government and I hate that I have to be the liaison for it. I'm also going through this really, really stupid thing that happened a few weeks ago and as it turns out, I need to go to the police for it. I'm losing my temper more than ever and I'm taking it out on my family. My family! Of all people; I am the crummiest daughter! On top of that, I've been so busy with everything that I have not had time to even read the Bible in months now. I feel like a horrible life group leader to my kids. I have a million errands to run. I've spent zero time on my field lab. I'm behind in all my assignments; I have deadlines to meet and everyday I feel like I'm on the verge of a meltdown.

I dislike using my blog as a place for verbal diarrhea and complaining, but this is what's happening in my life. I feel like everything's been turned upside-down and I can't tell anybody because that's more than enough to fit after a "How are you?" How do I tell people my life is insane without evoking pity from them? I don't want people to feel sorry for me. I know that life gets to be this way sometimes and that God will help me get through it. I just want to stop putting up a fake front before others, pretending that everything is okay.

"Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord;
O Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy....
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning."
- Psalm 130:1-2, 5-6

I'll stop my whining right here :)

[Listening to: Speak to Me - Audio Adrenaline - Lift (04:04)]

Libellés :

samedi 7 février 2004

Excellent movies

My w.bloggar has not been working, but Travis has been having the exact same problem, so I know it's not just me (phew, couldn't figure out what that 'required white space' was).

Lissa and I just rented "I Capture the Castle". It is one of my absolute favourite movies now! There's only one scene that's a bit, umm, well needed to be blurred or hidden better, but it did fit in with the story. But wonderful movie, oh, and in such a beautiful setting! And the awesome thing is that the person who played Stephen Colley in the movie is also going to be in "Tristan and Isolde".

Right now, I'm watching "Quo Vadis?" and I know I'll need to get a copy of it someday soon.

On being told the Christians are being blamed for the burning of Rome
Vinicius: The people won't believe such a lie!
Petronius: People will believe any lie, if it is fantastic enough.

Such great stuff. Speaking of movies, I read this article yesterday and I find it incredibly sad. It's disturbing that the director thinks the ring is "...obviously a metaphor for the machines, the factories, that enslave you, that take away your free will." How in the world do you come at that?! Well I guess if you don't believe in the concept of sin, you can't recognize it.

Unfortunately, I'm watching all this at the expense of my homework. And my Sundays are always busy with church... another late night? You can bet on it. I have an exam, a midterm, an annotated bibliography, a book report, a core values paper and a net assignment all for this week. Just a few more weeks until Reading Week. I'm living for that right now.

Libellés :

Q and A

What is your first (i.e. earliest) memory?
I think it would be when I was 2 and my family was dog-sitting a friend's little puppy. I was so excited about taking care of him and I spent all my time with the dog. I remember one incident with him when my mom was at work and my dad was cooking. I was with the dog in its dog bed in the living room and I noticed that it was a little dirty, so I started spitting on him to give him a "shower." (Gross, I know, but I was 2!) Well, my dad heard me and he came in and got a little upset that I was doing this, and told me that the proper way to shower a dog was to give it a bath. Haha, I was a silly kid.

How old are you? (sorry if it's rude to ask a lady her age...but you did say ask questions!!)
I won't give a specific answer :) I always used to say, closer to birth than death I hope, but that's a cliche now. I'll just say that there was the possibility that I could have been 18 and in my third year of college.

How did you become a Christian?
I'll save my testimony for another post since it's a really long story ;)

Where's the furthest place away from your house you've ever been?
Los Angeles. That was the first time I ever travelled anywhere out of my own province.

Was it nice?
Of course! I definitely want to go back and I'm planning on doing that this year. My cousins live there and it's a gorgeous place to be in. Crowded, but never boring! I would love to maybe work there one day if that's where God is leading me.

Do you want kids? (someday - not necessarily right now!)
To some extent, I do, but I'm not one of those girls who look forward to ONLY that in life. That may sound selfish, but I'm fixing my eyes on Christ, and if that is something that's to be in my life, I'll welcome it wholeheartedly, and if not, I know He has other plans for me that will honour Him. I'm not a 'must be married with kids and I'll be completely fulfilled' person, if that makes any sense.

This was fun, thanks for asking all those questions!


Friday Five:

1. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
Go on a 25k hike with a bust knee.

2. What one thing would you like to try that your mother/friend would never approve of?
Travel through Europe without any structured plans or time deadlines, just for the fun of it.

3. On a scale of 1-10, what's your risk factor? (1=never take risks, 10=it's a lifestyle)
Maybe a 5. But I would love to take more risks.

4. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you as a result of being bold/risky?
Experiencing an exhilarating sense of adventure and seeing God's hand in protecting me.

5. ... and what's the worst?
Exhaustion and fear.

Libellés :

mercredi 4 février 2004

Ask Jeeves, uh me...

No clue what to write. So.. are there any questions you want to ask me?

No guarantee I'll answer them all. But give me something to work with :)

[Listening to: Happy Feet (High Heels Mix) - Jack Hylton Orchestra - Something for Everybody (02:20)]

Judging Time

Favourites in no particular order:

1. Lypton Village
2. Just a Girl in the World
3. Superblessed
4. Skywalking
5. Keks

[Listening to: Nutbod (Houseboats of Kashmir Mix) - Christine Ann; Royce Doherty - Something for Everybody (04:03)]

2 for 1 deal

Something about February 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Birthdays and engagements. Yesterday (technically), my friend had her 2nd decade birthday, and I found out that a couple in the youth staff at church got engaged as well. Today (technically), my boss' son is turning 2 and I read that Kim is engaged to Clay. And two days ago, it was a girl in my life group's birthday and I heard that my friend's younger sister was engaged. I'm seeing a pattern here.... Actually, the only reason I post all these engagement announcements on here is because I am so forgetful and they serve as reminders for actually attending their weddings, in town at least. Oh and my other friend Jen is engaged as well. I'm going to have to create some sort of reminder list now!

Emergency prayer request: A girl who was in my small group last year has just seriously converted to Mormonism. My college is devastated about this. We are all in shock and we are praying for her protection. Please lift her up as she has been severing her contact with her friends from here. Pray that she will return to Christ. Thank you.

[Listening to: More Than Fine - Switchfoot - The Beautiful Let Down (04:15)]

mardi 3 février 2004

Big, fat, and bothersome

May I cheat? I guess not since I'm a Christian. But I posted a "Day in the Life" kind of thing a few weeks ago. I guess I read Darren's mind a bit early :) But that's only one half of the entry. Here's the other...

A Day in the Life of a Cumbersome and Tedious Backpack

I sit on the floor all night, still as a rock. I silently wait for my owner to finally wake up and get her act together to get ready for school. Usually, I'm packed the night before with all the books that are needed in me for the next day. Sometimes, my owner is a little forgetful and has to jam me full of her heavy textbooks in the morning instead. I can never tell. But I am always obedient to her wishes and her timing becomes my timing. I'm usually frustrated that she has a tendency for tardiness though. The nerve of some people.

Then begins my day. As I travel out of my warm, comfortable home, I am suddenly hit with a strong gush of wind and a biting sense of the cold. Canada, freezing I say, absolutely freezing! If it's snowing, I soak through but not today. Nope, I had an uneventful trip to the bus stop. I have not yet annoyed people with my presence but you just wait and see what I can do. I sit on my owner's lap throughout the bus ride and when we get off, my impact starts to grow.

Missing the first train (I told you, my owner is always late), I am forced to stand in the cold and wait some more. It comes shortly thereafter and my awkward and bulky size soon gets noticed. There's not much room on the train and so I'm forced to find my own space or be shoved in. Usually it's the latter. People don't seem to appreciate me. I have no idea why, I'm simply bearing the burdens of college books. That is my job and yet I'm resented for it. My owner shifts continuously to accomodate more room for other people but they glare at her and utter under their breath. And rather than blaming me, they blame her! Now she may have time problems, but she is my owner - it's no fault of her own that I am so big. I just eat a lot, books that is.

Now this morning was just cruel to me. After many delays and problems with transit, we were late (rather, she was) and I was forced to rush through the school. Yes, I will admit that I am slightly, fat, but I do hate that I weigh down so much on my owner's back. And sadly so, I am treated as an inconvenience sometimes, even from her. If only professors understood what I go through day in and day out!

Evening has come. My owner is addicted to me and feels the need to carry me everywhere, even if I am causing her pain. It intensifies even more when I am filled with new library books and I grow bigger. Sometimes, she shakes her head and asks why I am so heavy. "Even when there's nothing in you, you weigh like bricks. What is wrong with your weight distribution? Are you getting a little tubby in the middle?" Such rude questions! I'll keep that information private, thank you very much. Her gall offends me and so I resolve to become bigger, fatter, and more bothersome everytime she uses me. Of course, she has apologized a few times, but nothing can change my shape and size. I fear I am doomed to live this life for the next few years. May graduation come swiftly!

P.S. I am meanest when it comes to cars. I make it hard for my owner to get in and out. She hates that. Be nice to her; I'm trying to spur some repentance in her :)

lundi 2 février 2004

Weary and burdened

Much to say. Too tired and stinkin' busy to do so. Three words: Never, ever again. That is how I feel about the crudload of responsibilities I have weighing me down right now. If anyone were in my shoes, they would quit. I don't know why I haven't yet.

The philosophy major admits she still grapples with her decision. "Sometimes I ask myself, 'Why am I at a Christian school? No one's gonna respect me [academically],'" Altizer says. "But I'm not here to get a job. I'm here to become a person."
- Higher Learning

God is growing me. I may not see it, but I am certain of it.

[Listening to: Attendite - Libera - Luminosa (04:16)]

Libellés :