dimanche 22 juin 2003

Site info

This was actually written on April 4, 2006 at 6:41 pm EST but I didn't want this to be on the index page, so thanks to Blogger and their "Change Time and Date" feature, you will only see this if you happen to jump to the first month in the archives :)

Why is the blog*spot address ardententhusiast?
I went with my username as the domain name and didn't think of the title of the blog until later. I should have gone back and changed the address to something like unquenchablesongs but I didn't, so that's why it has remained.

When I first became a Christian, I was a huge fan of dc Talk and one of their fan sites was www.ardent-enthusiast.com (which I guess is not around anymore). It was another way of saying "Jesus freak" and I liked it so I adopted it as a username. Later as I was looking up the definition of evangelical for someone, I saw this line: "Characterized by ardent or crusading enthusiasm; zealous." And I thought, that's it - I want to be that person! So seeing that name is a reminder of what I want to be for Christ.

Unquenchable Songs and Endless Praise?
It's a long name so I don't mind if it's shortened to just the first half. I remember creating a little favicon that said US&EP but it was still too long :) Admittedly I'm not as big a fan of Starfield as I was in high school and the beginning of college, but I love this line (see first post).

And the design?
I definitely cannot make layouts from scratch; I can only tweak. This site currently uses a template from Francey Designs called Asian Newsstand with some of my own added alterations. I'm very satisfied with this look and I find it ironic that as an Asian, even I can't read anything on the graphics.

Firefox or Internet Explorer?
I personally use Firefox and encourage it wholeheartedly. In terms of viewing this blog, there is no question that it looks much better in Firefox. If you don't already have it, you don't know what you're missing out on.

Yes, that is my nickname/nom de plume. I used it by accident at first since I didn't want to use my own name and "Ardent Enthusiast" sounded too formal but it - like the blog*spot address - has stuck. I like it and there is a reason behind this name but it's not very interesting. I've enjoyed spending the last few years of my life getting used to calling myself this and being on this blogging adventure! However, if you happen to know my real name, I would ask that you not link to me or address me in my comments with that name. Please respect this; thanks!

What happened to Lissa?
Lissa wrote a couple of times on here but has since been occupied with work. Her first post was on August 22, 2004 and her last post was on April 21, 2005.

Where do the mood pictures come from?
I still check in with the LiveJournal community every so often and mood sets/themes are quite prevalent on those sites. The Amelie mood set comes from postcardjunkie and the Pride and Prejudice (2005) mood set comes from riseoverrun. I am still looking for Pride and Prejudice (1995) without the fancy borders, and others that may catch my eye.

Not only Chinese, Korean, Japanese but French? And Greek?
Part of my desire to become fluent in the other national language. Granted, since I am living in Montreal at the time of this post, it is the official provincial language and I should learn it anyways. If I make mistakes that you know of, let me know so I can improve. The Greek because I took Koine Greek for a year at school and have forgotten 90% of it. I figure a little Bible verse would help me remember what little I can recall.

Commenting system?
My first system was with HaloScan, which lasted until its sudden demise in the beginning of 2010. HaloScan was user-friendly but I kept losing comments that were over four months old. They did come back but now they are all gone; hence, the use of Blogger comments.

Why are there :) everywhere?
My permalink used to be a :) until search engines made it look horrible (see case in point). But I notice that I tend to overuse this emoticon when I write so maybe that is a reflection of my style. I've heard it said that you should be able to write without having to resort to a smiley but I find it hard to communicate every nuance of meaning over the internet, so :) it is. Ooh, remember those ^_^ that used to be popular in high school and among Asians? I so do not fit into that.

Posting frequency?
When I first started, it was every couple of days and then it progressed to daily at some point. Since then, I've found that I usually write about three to four times a week, with higher frequencies when I'm procrastinating and "about to tackle a lot of school projects - yes I will do it!" If I am travelling, this is the only site that I update along with email so it's a nice way to find out what's happening with me.

Blog directories
I was on several directories when I first started blogging as I was quite overeager but I can't recall any of the ones I submitted my blog to now. They probably listed my meta tags as things like youth ministry, etc. which are no longer true. I was also on BlogsCanada, which seems to have changed its format and probably even lost my blog listing (with which I'm completely fine).

I found a great blogging disclaimer a few years ago and have been linking to it ever since. It's nice not to have to start from scratch with these things!

ardententhusiast @ gmail . com
Previously, it was ardententhusiast @ epals . com but as soon as I listed it on here, I received an über amount of spam. Now strangely enough, I can't receive anything at that address.

Ehh this is all I can think of to include in the site info, which I think is long enough already.

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