samedi 15 novembre 2003

Thanks for your prayers!

Okay, I had to change my permalink from a smiley face back to the number sign. Why? Because I was checking my page ranking on Google and the smiley face was right after the post I wrote about my mom being diagnosed with cancer and it looked like I was happy about it (which, clearly, I am not and who would be?!). So I hope that will change pretty soon before I look completely horrible!

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for my mom and my family! It has been so incredible to see everyone who has emailed or called me express their concern for us. You don't know how grateful I am in seeing my church family and even strangers through this blog who have reached out and have offered to pray for her recovery. It's definitely a great witness to both my parents, who are not Christians, to see this. And thankfully, we've been able to find a personal care assistant for my mom who is willing to take her to all her radiation and chemotherapy sessions. I think she may be a Christian as well! I'm really praying that through this experience, my parents will come to know the Lord and see that He desires so much for them to come back to Him and that even through life's trials, He is there.

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