jeudi 17 décembre 2009
Book report
It's taken three years but I can now happily report that I've met my goal of reading 100 books in a year, and have surpassed it as well! I'm going to continue recording the titles that I've read although I'm not sure if I'll subject myself to the same pressure of needing to read a certain number of books for next year. Overall, it's been a fun journey and it's been neat to see what my reading habits look like. This past year, I've read:
- 35 fiction books and 69 non-fiction books
- 67 Christian books and 37 non-Christian books
- 11 books on missions, 10 books related to work (with some overlap in missions as well), 12 books on theology/Christian living, and 5 books on leadership/ministry
- Lots of others on topics such as books (!), household management, organization, simplicity, frugality, fashion, finances, Canadian culture and interior design - an eclectic mix of things that have caught my eye at the public library
I'm excited to dive into a bunch of other titles that I've been saving for this book challenge, with the added bonus that I can go through them at a more leisurely pace now. If I could list a few of my favourites from this year, they would be:
- The Apothecary's Daughter - Julie Klassen
- The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment - Tim Challies
- Good News about Injustice: A Witness of Courage in a Hurting World - Gary A. Haugen
- Invitation to Lead: Guidance for Emerging Asian American Leaders - Paul Tokunaga
- Lady of Milkweed Manor - Julie Klassen
- Leading on Empty: Refilling Your Tank and Renewing Your Passion - Wayne Cordeiro
- The Missionary Call: Find Your Place in God's Plan for the World - M. David Sills
- Persuasion - Jane Austen
- Why We're Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be) - Kevin DeYoung & Ted Kluck
I've noticed a shift in the type of books I currently read compared to the ones I went through in college and seminary, the most noticeable being that I have gravitated toward more practical books. While I still enjoy books on theology and Christian thinking, I'm starting to take up books on Christian living. Next year's list might reflect this as well; now to get started on that!
Libellés : books