mercredi 19 mars 2008

Typing frenzy

I can hardly believe it but my distance ed course is finally finished (58 pages later)! Well, sort of. In an effort to make these classes a bit more interactive, the school has forced all students to dialogue with each other via an internet forum. I've done this before for one of the classes that I took with actual people but I didn't make the most of it since I posted all of my entries in the last week of the semester. So much for interaction - it was more like a torturous version of "write something not completely terrible and find the easiest post to respond to," which I suspect I will be doing once again. I'll leave that for tomorrow, along with my very last assignment for the semester apart from my thesis!

So onto thesis (non) news: One of my friends has to write a 40 page thesis in 7 days. I have to write a 100 page thesis in 25 days. Needless to say, things are looking quite worrisome for the both of us now. I'm supposed to present something to my adviser next week so I'll see how I manage before then. I doubt I'll get a whole chapter done but I'd hate to disappoint my adviser once again, considering I haven't had anything to show him all semester yet. The pickles that I get myself into, sigh. I'm just relieved that after Thursday, I'll be two classes closer to graduation. People have been really sweet to me and getting excited about my finishing school but inside, I'm terrified that I won't be able to make it. My friend has a major concert coming up that's going to consume a lot of her time, so I'm praying that she can make her deadline. I'm begging God that I can do the same. Thus, the next few days are going to be a whirlwind of flying through books and typing whatever I can, and wouldn't you know it but my poor fingers are already trembling :)

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