lundi 24 janvier 2005

Waiting on Him

My computer is starting to slow down a lot, and has entered the phase where it thinks that not showing images on web browsers is pretty funny. Unfortunately, that means I can hardly do a thing when I need to check email and all that sort of stuff.

"I'm always in a rush and I've developed the fear to slow down."

These same words that I posted about a year ago still hold true for me today. My life group has been challenging me to try to get up early and spend some quiet time with God before I start anything. Most of the time though, I hit the snooze alarm or rush out of bed in a frenzy. I always insist that my best time of the day is before I go to sleep, but one of my profs has said something to the effect of, "It's not as though you need all those Bible verses for when you're not even conscious." Yes, and yet I neglect them when I need them most - all the times I'm awake.

I am finding it most difficult to follow Jesus' example, especially now that I'm getting bogged down with homework. I'm squeezing a million things more into my schedule that I know I don't have the time for and failing to spend time with God. I thought I'd be better at managing my time but looking back at what I wrote, it seems as though time still has control over me and my day. I still need to learn how to relinquish that power over to the One who created day and night, who knows what I should be doing with my time better than I ever will.

Sounds like I need to take a hint from my computer!

[Listening to: Espace Musique]

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