mardi 2 septembre 2003

Orientation Day!

Reality has sunk in: school has started again. I got to the college early this morning (thanks God for good traffic) to get ready to take pictures for the day, only to discover that the digital camera had dead batteries and the 35mm camera had no film. Great hey? So after a quick run to Co-op, I was quickly snapping away and charging the batteries in the yearbook office. It was a good morning, although I felt sorry for all the first years - they had a two hour lecture in the chapel!! During that time, I hung out with old friends and got my textbooks. It was so good to reconnect with everyone from before and hear about their exciting summers. And surprisingly, a lot of people I didn't think were coming back did! :) The returning students orientation was great too, since the staff knew they didn't have to go through everything again, although I did almost doze off a few times.

Afterwards, I headed to church for a video party! All the video techies (well, whoever could show up) got to watch The Princess Bride and critique it afterwards. It was really fun; I hadn't seen the movie since I was in grade 5 so it was a good chance to refresh my memory (all I remembered were the r.o.u.s. and the machine) and I learned lots about cinematography and setting up scene shots. I hope we do more of those this year, I learn so much from them! Of course, they have to be good, decent movies, not like a lot of the crud coming out nowadays... yuck.

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