samedi 9 août 2003

It's not too late!

Forgot about the Friday Five yesterday!

1. What's the last place you travelled to, outside your own home state(province)/country?
Aww, waves of nostalgia all over again. I would have been on my missions trip tomorrow heading to Seattle just last year :) So that's outside my province and country! Seattle rocks! I'd love to go back again soon.

2. What's the most bizarre/unusual thing that's ever happened to you while travelling?
Seeing as how I've only travelled to four places my whole life, that's not a lot to pick from! And my stories aren't that great either. Uh, on the way to Seattle, the tarp on one of the vans kept ripping and Rob lost his sandal in it. And when I was flying to LA, my cousin swore she saw the mom from "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" at LAX. Eh, not that bizarre.

3. If you could take off to anywhere, money and time being no object, where would you go?
Europe. The Swiss Alps, Ireland, Germany, etc. And also to Alaska. Or maybe Cameroon to visit my friends in the future, although it would be too hot for me. But I think I would want to backpack through Europe with my best friend.

4. Do you prefer travelling by plane, train or car?
I've never travelled by train. I have now! I absolutely love flying! If I had enough money, I would fly to so many places. I like travelling by car as well, especially cause you can spend the whole trip talking to your friends. But flying beats them all out!

5. What's the next place on your list to visit?
Montréal. I have the opportunity of leading a group at college to go there on a missions trip during spring reading week. And I have another chance to be a leader for the grade 10s at my church who are going there next year in the summer. And after that, my best friend and I are thinking of going on a cruise or a trip to Europe when we have saved up enough for it. I can only hope that we do that soon, otherwise, we'll get too busy for it!

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