vendredi 15 août 2003

It's Friday!

Time for the Friday Five again:

1. How much time do you spend online each day?
To be honest, too much. But I try to go on every other day at home since I'm on it during the day for work. So minus work-related time, about 2-3 hours every other day. And on weekends, maybe a bit more. But once school starts, it'll go up even more. So uh, again, I am online too much.

2. What is your browser homepage set to?
If I give it away, then you'll know what church I go to :) But it's the special site that's set up with a live feed camera of the construction site of our new church building. My homepage used to be my church's website and it'll probably go back to that after the construction is done.

3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?
The first one I ever used was Yahoo Pager... the predecessor to Yahoo Messenger about 4 years ago. Then 3 years ago, I started using ICQ. And I think around the same time, I also used MSN, but no one really used it. Now everyone does, which is kind of nice since it comes with XP. But as for Messenger and ICQ, they're on my other computer so I never use them anymore.

4. Where was your first webpage located?
Oh my, I don't remember. I don't know, Geocities? Angelfire? GurlPages? AA? I used to make tons for school back then but I don't recall which was the first one. But this blog would have to be the first one where I've kept up maintaining the site for over a few months minus the AA one which has since gone defunct.

5. How long have you had your current website?
I started this one in June this year because I didn't have anything to do while I was out of school and working. But I plan on keeping this one for a few years, provided hosting is still free in the future :) But out of them all, I'd have to say this one is my favourite.

Hmm a shout... thanks to Matt for my first comment :) Well I didn't have work today so I hung out at church and ran errands with Paul for some cables and talked about tech stuff with Gary. I also made plans today to go to Shakespeare in the Park next week to see some of Shakespeare's greatest fight scenes; I'm really excited! And tomorrow I get to go to the zoo! So it'll be a little while before I post a loooong entry about camp but one of the kids from camp, Dave, is burning me a CD full of pictures he took so I think I'll post stuff when I get it.

Anyways, I really want to go to the Harvest Moon Festival but my best friend refuses to go to outdoor concerts. So... I'm in a bind because I've been wanting to go for years. Maybe it's time to try my new persuasion skills on her. She does come back in 4 days. Wish me luck :D

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