vendredi 18 décembre 2009
Christmas vacation
Although I'm a fan of occasional white Christmases, I'm finding that this is too much snow for my liking. I don't think I've ever spent Christmas away from home but the temptation to leave this winter weather is increasing by the day. I'm still praying about where and when exactly I can go (if I can, for that matter) but it'll be wonderful to escape winter driving and having my car tires spin in the mounds of snow that have been building up. Even if I don't get to go somewhere, the nice thing is that I can stay at home and avoid going out. The irony though is that the weather is probably warming up just about now, so I probably had to go to work when it was at its worst. At least I'm off of work for now! :)
Update: Hurrah - I'll be able to spend Christmas away from the snow now :) Last-minute trips are always such a fun rush!