samedi 10 janvier 2009

Reading predictions

I think I'm spending too much time exploring a new feature from LibraryThing called Will You Like It? I started off by looking up books I've read and enjoyed but don't own and am now trying out books that I know I definitely will not like. So far, the latter part hasn't been as accurate as the first part but I know the system isn't perfect. For instance, LT thinks that I will love Brian McLaren's A Generous Orthodoxy (not just like but love), which I seriously doubt. Actually, any emergent book or book on mysticism I plug into it is coming out with a prediction of love. Oh well, at least there were more correct results for popular novels I don't think I'll ever read/enjoy and the books that I knew I'd like. It's pretty entertaining to use and I'm sure this feature will be improved in the future so I'll have to check back to see if these results change.

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