samedi 9 août 2008

A few things here and there

Since I've come home, I have had an amazing summer. To be honest, this is partly because I haven't been too active on the job front - something that I'll need to rectify before the end of summer. But it's still August, which means I can go about and do a few things that have been piling up on my lists.

One of the things that I've finally gotten to has been the overwhelming photo project at home. My mom has never been really good at keeping our family pictures organized (ever) so over the past week, I've gone through and sorted at least 25 years' worth of pictures. Not only were they not chronologically ordered (which took about three days to do) but they were also mixed up with all of the pictures that our extended family and family friends have sent us over the years. It was a lot of work but it's worth it to be able to flip through something without seeing strange faces every couple of pages now.

Part of the inspiration behind this project was from helping put together a wedding slideshow and seeing how unorganized pictures can be a lot of work to go through. What a relief it is that the pictures are in (general) chronological order and that they are displayed in proper albums. It was so nice to throw away tons of doubles and blurry pictures as well; hooray for less clutter! In addition to organizing the family photo albums, I went through my personal collection as well. Now I can print off the more recent pictures and take a major project off my list :) (Thank goodness I don't scrapbook - that would be a nightmare in itself!).

I'm also feeling inspired to shop off of Etsy and look for some accessories to update my room with since I'm finished school. I don't need very much but my room is feeling a little bare since I've thrown out/donated a lot of the stuff I had in high school. Also, I haven't figured out the book situation yet - my current bookshelf is completely full, as are the other shelves in my room - other than to cull my collection but I'm not ready for that at this point. Perhaps I'll need to get creative with a few storage ideas.... Update: Hooray, I have finally done this and gotten rid of around fifty books and a bookshelf. Sigh, it was in me all along :)

My wardrobe is also changing, which isn't too much of a concern right now but will be once I get a job. I went shopping for black pants the other day with a friend and found that it was a more difficult task than I'd thought. Another problem I discovered is that I love clothing with prints on them but this definitely means that I need clothing without prints to balance them out - hence the black pants. In the past, I never used to pay that much attention to what I wore (unfortunately, this meant that all I wore in high school and college were t-shirts, hoodies and jeans) but after being in Montreal over the past couple of years, I'm starting to have more interest in fashion.

And for some reason, I have plenty more to write - shocking considering the record on this blog - but I'll refrain and save it for additional posts :) One of the things I might mention in the future is this: Lists of Bests.

Libellés : ,