jeudi 25 janvier 2007

Prairie culture

Yes, I've all but disappeared from the blogging world - it was a much-needed break but I'm ready to come back to this "Asian Newsstand".

I found out today that some of my best friends from Montreal will be flying out west in a few days! Even though I'll be in Montreal in less than a month, seeing them out here will be fantastic. One of my friends has never been to western Canada and so I'm thinking of the things that we can introduce to him. I know that some people would say Calgarian culture is... well, an oxymoron although I'm not that extreme - I do believe there is a culture, however undefined it may be. There is all that Stampede stuff but February isn't really a time for cowpoke. In trying to figure out what to do, I'm reminded of when my friends and I first went to Montreal and how our friends over there decided to introduce us to a menagerie of spruce beer, la tire, sugar pie and smoked meat among other things (not all at once!). I'd love for my friends to come to Calgary and experience the fun and unique things that we have, food and otherwise.

So are there suggestions as to what would be essential for an American-Quebecker to experience in Calgary? I have some activities, events and places in mind but I know there are things I'll miss. For someone who has only been to Heritage Park once because of a mandatory school field trip in grade two or something, I know there's a lot of culture here I need to experience myself! And isn't it terrible that I've also only been to Fish Creek Provincial Park once in all the years I've lived here? Well, at least I've been to the Calgary Tower twice.

I've just set a personal record for the number of links I've made to Wikipedia here. It's so much easier than linking to all the separate official websites :)

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