mercredi 1 février 2006

An encouragement

Thanks to Andrew for writing the following! I really liked your comment so I'm posting it here :)

Dear Neely,
sometimes working in a church, attending a bible college and staying with a French-speaking family... seems so so foreign to a Chinese in Singapore! Apparently not so in Canada! =)
When I was newly converted to Christianity more than 10 years ago... I was in awe with the white flowing robes, the cleric collar and the role the priest has in preaching and administering sacraments! These days, I still respect the clergy profession just as much but realise that it takes more than the desire to do and wear the above to become a Christian priest or pastor! =) The calling from God is important! Then again, as a young Christian at that time, I thought that despite my naivety I dared to dream out of the norm and dream big! I wish you all the best in your pursuit to work in Christian ministry!

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