samedi 15 mai 2004

The (Missionary's) Beatitudes

Blessed are those who live each day with eternity in view,
For in looking back on life there will be no regrets.

Blessed are those who embrace a vision greater than themselves,
For what they give their lives to will endure forever.

Blessed are those who are passionate about the worship to come,
For assembled will be every tribe, nation, people and language.

Blessed are those who leave houses and land for the 10/40 Window,
For there most of the unfinished task remains, but labourers are few.

Blessed are those who commit to staying for the long-term,
For cross-cultural effectiveness increases with time.

Blessed are those who are committed to prayer and small groups,
For in those contexts lives are forever changed.

Blessed are those who serve with a vibrant, caring, visionary team,
For in the midst of healthy community, results dramatically increase.

Blessed are those who share life and [play a part in the Great Commission],
For in doing so each of these blessings can be personally realized.

- New Cross-Cultural Version by ELIC

I saw this on the back of Discipleship Journal as an ad for the English Language Institute in China. I just changed the last one, but I really like this. I doubt they're adding words to Matthew 5 though, in case you're worried about that.

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