mercredi 7 avril 2004
To study or not to study? That is the question...
I'm supposed to write the infamously dreaded Bible test tonight (almost 140 questions-worth!), the one that all graduates of my Bible college have to take before they can really be done school. The only problem is that I haven't had any Bible or theology courses at all this year, meaning that I will, without a doubt, bomb the test. I'm thinking of cramming everything that I learned last year into a half hour so I could at least do decently on it, but then again, it's supposed to be an honest reflection of what I've learned. Yeah, but the overachiever side of me wants to do well, even if it will be a mark that won't count for anything. I can't stand settling for mediocrity, even if I'm forced to it.
But writing a Bible test to forty of the greatest in soundtrack scores from motion pictures... that makes everything sweeter.
Update: Well I have at least ten wrong for sure, I've checked with the Bible ;) My weakest points were geography and history. My easiest was probably theology, that was the funnest part of the test. And the questions where you have to pick which book of the Bible you'd find a certain thing in. But overall, it made me think how I can take the Bible for granted. Lord, help me never to do that, but to meditate on Your Word day and night....
Libellés : college