mardi 23 décembre 2003

No more tippy-toeing

I miss the days when I used to be so opinionated, not caring what anyone else thought. Now I feel like I've been so worried about that on my blog, that I'm wallowing about in political (or rather, religious) correctness. Well, mess that. This is going to be a very religiously incorrect post:

I am sick of the postmodernism in this generation. I don't care that this is what we've been labeled. While there are good things that come along with it, such as an openness to spirituality and religion, I see so many devastating effects on some Christians. I see Christians compromising with the world, tolerating anything and everything under the guise of love. "Oh, you believe in Buddhism? Okay, let's talk and toss in some of your ideas with mine. But really, there's not much of a difference you see. Christ came for that too. Wow, you've added so much to my faith. etc. etc." I could go on, but I'm sure you can see how God is being washed down in His uniqueness when He is equally compared to those of other faiths. I'm not advocating an us vs. them mentality, where Christians spurn people with different religious beliefs, but all of a sudden, it seems like Christians don't see themselves as any different from others in terms of their faith. Well, if there is no difference, why are you a Christian?

Another thing is, just because this is the postmodern generation, it doesn't mean that we get rid of reason and rationality. Sure, everything is about "experience" and "subjectivity" but is this an excuse to get rid of common sense? "If that's your truth, then it's fine. I have my own truth." Even if this truth is a complete and utter lie? Even if it makes no sense at all and can be potentially harmful? "Oh, but as Christians, we can't say anything that will hurt them. Jesus wouldn't do that. He loves them." Yes, He loves everyone, but does He love ideas that are hurtful or false? These are two separate issues here. And yet, as Christians, we have blurred the lines and started accepting deceptive idealogies just so it looks like we accept the person. Then we try to incorporate this into our faith, and when reason fails at allowing us to do so, we turn to experience. "But it feels right," regardless of whether it is or not. This leads to my question of why Christians find so much inspiration from non-Christian beliefs. They may have glimpses of the truth but we have the fullness of the Truth from Christ. It's like eating at the banquet table, yet longing to dig through the trash, looking for apple cores to satisfy you when you have a feast before your eyes.

You know what I think? This postmodernism trend within the church seems to be an excuse for people to not be as discerning as they should be. There is so much syncretism today with the blending of Jesus with other people or faiths. Suddenly, it's alright to bring in elements of the New Age or of Buddhism or even the Kabbalah, and Gandhi becomes just as influential as Christ. Why not? The rest of the world is mixing Jesus into their beliefs. These Christians have lost the discernment they so desperately need. They can't tell good from evil anymore because everything seems to be able to work together. Here's a thought, why are cults becoming increasingly popular? They convince people that Christ is just one of the spirit guides that have come to this world, and that all of the others are just as valid. People don't need to acknowledge the distinctiveness of Jesus anymore.

You know, I doubt that when Christians were in the age of modernity, they went about crying, "I'm a modern Christian! My church is so modern! Modernism is the way!" and all that repeatedly. Why do Christians nowadays care so much about this age of postmodernism? It's practically become a second title to them. Christians are Christians. This age will soon dissolve and something else will come forth. To put so much trust into a societal way of thinking only diminishes the role of Christ in our lives. While engaging the generation is important, do we have to be so embracing of it that our faith is defined by this movement? I wrote that I would scream if I heard the words "emergent" or "postmodern" one more time a few months ago, but I think I've reached far beyond that capacity now.

[Listening to: Stay the Same - Seven Places - Lonely for the Last Time (03:00)]