lundi 15 décembre 2003
"Monday Memory"... which LeeAnn thought up
Hmm I came up with an idea yesterday, but went on the net today and found that someone else had the same idea a month ago. Oh well.
Anyways, about this idea: I was inspired by my youth prof and I thought it'd be something neat to do on this blog. What happened was, my prof made us come up with childhood memories to share during class. I think we spent the whole class doing this because he said it was really important in helping us connect with the youth we work with. He's one of my favourite profs and I just learned that his life motto has to do with "exercising child-like faith".
"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'"
- Matthew 19:14
So there is someone else who has started this; however, I don't want to be restricted by a question each week. I'll just do my own thing and come up with a memory each Monday :) So youthworkers, this might be fun to do. It'll give you sermon illustrations to use and I'm sure your kids will love that you have a plethora of personal stories to tell as well! Oh and they don't have to be profoundly clever or witty or even entertaining. It just has to be something that means a lot to you and has possibly shaped who you are today. I invite you to do this with me, and if you can, please leave me a comment telling me about it or linking to it. I'd love to read your memories too!
Here's mine for today:
In grade one, my class had a field trip to the Royal Tyrrell Museum. I remember my best friend's dad was one of the parent chaperones on the trip. It was an incredible day and everyone got to go to the gift shop to get a souvenir. The other kids went for the dinosaurs and all these little toys. For some reason, I had my eye on a dinosaur maze book. But I left my money at home and I was so sad that I couldn't get it. I think I moped around a while, watching all the other kids with their stuff. It didn't last long because at the end of the day, my best friend's dad got me the maze book! Okay, it's not that interesting, but for some reason, it was a huge thing for me because I saw that other adults (besides my parents) cared about me. As an only child, I grew up thinking that all I had were my parents, and that everyone else in the world was out to get me. It broke a major barrier in my life, and helped me to trust adults :)