mercredi 24 septembre 2003

Textbook cost

Have I ever mentioned how incredibly grateful I am that my college textbooks really aren't that expensive after all? I used to think so but this has changed my mind:

Language of the New Testament
(The following texts are all required)
Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament - Bauer, Gingrich, Danker - 239.99
Language of the New Testament - Goetchius, Eugene Van Ness - 66.95
Language of the New Testament Workbook - Goetchius, Eugene Van Ness - 40.95
comes to the lovely total of: 372.24, GST included! Ouch!!

I'm thankful my costs are substantially lower - all of my textbooks for this whole semester cost 45% of the price for this one class! Granted, I did borrow three history books from a friend but still, even that total would come to 74% of this price! How can anyone afford to be a college student, much less a Bible college student?!

Archives are back up... thanks Blogger. As are comments!

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