mercredi 3 septembre 2003

Since when...

... do college students get so excited about academic resource materials that they practically form a mob and clear the shelves of this material completely?! Apparently today. What a strange sight that was: watching about a hundred first years get in a tizzy trying to obtain stuff like "how to write a book review". Uhh yes - not something you see everyday.

Something that I need to concentrate on this year: getting back to my first love. I worry that I've been distracted lately from my walk with God and that I'm not totally focusing on developing my relationship with Him. Something only grows if you feed it right? One of the pastors at my church always reminds us to "remember the height from which we first fell" - and that is something I need to tell myself constantly.

Take me back again
To the place where we first met
I know I can't save myself
Grace is here for free
Faith is something we cannot see
I know it's time to lay it down
- By The Tree "Root Of It All"

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