lundi 1 septembre 2003

Ironic how there's no labour on Labour Day

C'est septembre! Wow, this summer just flew by so fast. Now it's back to school. Something I'm not looking forward to: 20 000 more students on the road. Traffic is going to suck.

I found out a while ago that the drummer from my worship team just died suddenly. I didn't post about it then because it didn't sink it yet. It couldn't be true, I just saw him the last time we were on. I remember saying hi to him. It was such an out-of-nowhere email that I received - that he had passed away. I wish I had gotten the time to know him better. He left behind a wife and two kids. He probably had great stories to tell. I wish I had said more than hi to him. I mean, I was on his team for two years (minus when I was on a different team and then switched back)! Why didn't I bother taking the chance to talk to him? And now he is gone. Life is so fragile. You never know when someone will be gone. I guess that's why petty issues from day to day don't really matter in the long run. That's why forgiveness is so important. Because you never know if you'll lose the person that you have a grudge on. And then you'll never get a chance to make things right again. But praise God that Wynn is with Him, playing drums for the Audience of One like never before. Please pray for his family, for comfort and hope that can only come from the One who conquered death.

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