mardi 23 septembre 2003

Church membership

I am so excited, I'm taking the first step this weekend towards becoming a church member! Members are required to take a class about the church and I've been putting this off for so long that I decided to do it now, while I still had the time! But wow, I can't wait until I get to belong to a church "officially" (not that I already don't... but you get the picture!). My friend and I always said that we'd wait until we got married so that we could become members of our church with our future husbands (whoever they are) but that seems like so far away. Maybe I'm too antsy and I just want to declare to everyone that this is the body of Christ I belong to, that God has called me to. But I also wonder if I should wait so that my future husband and I will be able to proclaim our commitment to our church body together. Am I being too impatient? This is a pretty big deal to me, becoming a church member. I just have to figure out if I'll do it now or later.

As if I didn't already have enough troubles with Blogger, now all my archives are gone!! I hate to complain but I have a small blog... how can archives disappear out of nowhere? *Whine, sniffle*

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