samedi 20 septembre 2003

Canada's Marriage Controversy

If you are Canadian, go here to see how your MP voted on the issue of same-sex marriages. This issue is important for all Christians in Canada. I read some editorials about how same-sex marriages aren't hurting anybody and how it doesn't affect those who aren't in this lifestyle. Untrue! If all of this passes officially and becomes law in Canada soon, then pastors in churches can get sued or imprisoned because they refuse to perform same-sex marriages. The Bible can be deemed as hate literature because it condemns sexual deviation and proclaims that this lifestyle is wrong. Churches can be shut down because they refuse to step on their convictions of what marriage should be like by not allowing or recognizing same-sex marriages. Do you see where this is leading to?! The government will be interfering in the affairs of the church!! The same government who strongly adheres to "the separation between church and state" will now be imposing their definition of marriage on a sacred act that strictly belongs to the church! They have got it all wrong; this separation between the church and the state was never intended for the church to get out of the state's affairs but the other way around - to ensure that the state could never infringe on the rights of the church! Well, isn't Canada going down the hole now.

Above all, I think the most important thing any Christian can do is to pray.

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