mercredi 27 août 2003

Why Lord?

I looked at the blood on my own hands. I gazed up at the giant, certain that in one moment, deliberate or unguarded, he could hurl us into the abyss. Something grabbed hold of my insides and made me stop and wonder.

"Why do you do what you do?" I cried up to him, holding out my hands, with nails and hammer, covered with blood.

He looked down into my eyes, and in the next instant he was looking straight into them - that quickly he had shrunk again to my size. "You are why I do what I do."


A vast fabric stretched across the sky. Bending back my head, I saw on the fabric countless lumps and knots, like thick, rough yarn with frayed strings.

Suddenly, Marcus beside me, I was yanked up into the sky and pulled through a hole in the center of the fabric. Now I was on the other side, the top side. I looked down and saw a beautiful work of art, like needlepoint or cross-stitching, a magnificent tapestry more exquisite than any I'd ever seen. The yarn and threads had been perfectly knitted together in elaborate design by the hands of a master craftsman. I saw in the center of the tapestry the Woodsman on a tree. I saw how a senseless murder, history's worst act of betrayal, was the centerpiece of a glorious design. Surrounding it I saw other tragedies, other absurd and incomprehensible events that now had clear meaning and purpose.

- Randy Alcorn "Edge of Eternity"

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