samedi 9 août 2003

A myriad of thoughts

I found a restaurant I really want to go to! And after looking through their menu, I have decided on "The Stompin' Tom", maybe a "Wild 'shroom Soup" if I'm really hungry, and a "Crème Brule that's lightly caramelized and topped with fresh berries" for dessert. Actually, if I ever had this much food, I wouldn't be able to walk out of the restaurant!

I found an awesome post (that's from another post) about the gay bishop issue from Richard's blog. Kind of stems into the whole homosexual marriage thing that's happening in Canada right now.

One of my pastors said something that's really made me think about what's happening to Canada. He said that it's almost as if God is lifting His hand from our country now. We've wanted Him out of our lives and our nation for so long now that He is complying with our wishes. I wouldn't be surprised though, what with the whole SARS thing, the Mad Cow crisis, the approval of homosexual marriages, the West Nile virus, and more. If Canada keeps going down the hole like this, then I will have no choice but to move to the States. Of course, no place on earth will ever be free from rebellion against God, but at least the US seems to hold more closely to God and His reign over their country.

Oh well, there's always Canadian food at least....

I was also surfing through the huge collection of blogs that I read, and trying to figure out which ones to delete from my favourites (the ones that haven't been updated in ages or don't work anymore) when I stumbled across a blog from someone at my college. What are the odds of that? I found it off a link from a link of a blog I read all the time. Anyways, you know it's sad when you find out about a friend of yours from high school times that you used to hang out with in youth group and what's going on in her life from a blog that's linked to another blog.

Okaaay... enough links. I have to go buy some mosquito repellent for camp, help our senior high intern, Alexis, with camp stuff if she needs it and do PowerPoint for the church service tonight. Oh and finish packing :)

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