jeudi 28 août 2003

The latest happenings

Hooray, I got Monday and Tuesday off this week from work because everyone at church was on the staff retreat. It was great just hanging out at home and taking a breather from this whole summer. Tuesday night, I got to clean my room and rearrange some furniture in it. Now my room is more spacious and I have more room for my books :) Wednesday morning I ended up working for a bit but came home early to hang out with my best friend. We headed to Walmart and to McDonald's, mmm, and I spent the afternoon helping her create a scrapbook for her 3 week vacation. She gave me permission to be as creative as I wanted to be... much to her detriment. Due to my inane ability to be random (which my coworkers still tease me about mercilessly), I guess I turned her scrapbook into a collection of strange musings and statements. I almost feel bad for her since her coworkers think that she's the crazy one and not me. Then I went to a launch party for the second season of a local theatre company, which was lots of fun. I had cheesecake with blueberries and caramel and got to listen to some readings from the plays that are being performed this year.

Today, I had a small group leader's retreat at the college chaplain's house. It was great reconnecting with people again and I learned tons today. I was the only missions leader to show up today so I had a blast talking about Montréal with the missions prof. We were challenged by our speaker, who helped us realize how important authenticity was in leading small groups. We also did some team building games and had an excellent lunch and dinner. It was just like camp! I took a lot away from today that I also hope to use in leading my life group at church. Overall, I can't wait till school starts and everything gets kicking into full gear. I can't wait to get back to college and to hanging out with the youth group at church. And I'm still anticipating the arrival of the yearbooks from last year! But before that, I still need a day where I can just spend time with God and not have to worry about my many obligations of having to be everywhere doing everything. I can only hope. Well I am off to put my camp pictures (and other ones) into a new photo album I bought yesterday. And another reason why I love Thursdays: 3 new Boundless articles - go check them out.

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