jeudi 14 août 2003


Just got back but missing camp majorly. Sigh, relishing in sr high camp memories already and how awesome it was being a camp counselor. I'm even planning things in my head for next year's camp. The whole grade 10 gang from church ROCKS (grade 9s, 11s and 12s are cool too but no match for this group)!!!

Anyways, much to come about:
- the kidnapping of Stu
- my graceful fall onto a bench
- the 4 hour hike
- water balloon war
- leeches... 'nuff said
- mosquitoes galore
- the kerosene fears and fires of cabin 8
- Slap, Knives/Spoons/Spatulas, Cheat, 31
- fart tennis
- Mission Impossible
- circle of encouragement
- Condiment Twister

... and more! Stay tuned!

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