jeudi 21 août 2003

I am stunned!

Wow! I like seeing who comes to my site and how they got here since it's fairly new, but I certainly didn't expect this! I found out that a guy named Matt wrote the nicest thing about my blog on his! Thanks again, I really appreciate you linking to my site and your wonderful compliment about it :)

So, more really good news! I got my copy of the Vibe Awards yesterday!! Thanks Peter! I didn't think I would get a copy of it, and I was a little sad because I thought it would be good to add to my portfolio, but it came through and it was a joy to see what the evening looked like after they cleaned it up in post-production (even if there were a few bloopers!).

Well today was my third last day of work. It kind of came suddenly for some reason, but I cleaned out my desk a bit today and took some things home to prepare myself for it. Hopefully, when I start school again, I'll still have time to stop by and help out a bit. Please pray that our golf tournament will be a great time had by all and that God will work miracles through it. I'm still debating whether to go to school or to the tourney that day, ahh!

This is a great article that I was reading at work today, about how tech companies are figuring out what the societal trends are by studying what kids are into. There was also a mention of blogging in there too.

I had breakfast with my best friend yesterday, and we talked about our "vacations" (her 3 weeks across North America, my 1 week at camp). I missed her so much and was thrilled that she came back earlier than her parents did. Besides, she had to go back to work today, so I don't think she had a choice! Anyways, it'll be good to actually go to church this weekend because I won't be doing tech and I'll get to sit in the sanctuary for the service, and Lissa won't have to get any more sermon CDs from me for missing all these services.

A big congratulations to Starfield for getting a nomination at the Western Canadian Music Awards! I hope they win for "Outstanding Christian Recording" because they deserve it! I guess everyone figured that out when they won 5 Vibes and got a Juno nod! If you go here, then you can hear one of their songs and see what I'm talking about.

It's been so long since I have met You here
Since I have heard You speak and let You near
And like a wayward son I've come with nothing left to hide
Here in this moment I have come to offer up my life
- Starfield "Alive in This Moment"

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