samedi 9 août 2003

Be back soon

Just wanted to leave a note - kind of like an out-of-office reply - that I'll be gone for the next few days and probably won't be posting anytime soon since I'll be in the mountains without any amenities!


On a side note, one of the admin. assistants from my church told me a funny story yesterday. She got to go to Creation Fest in Washington (I'm so jealous!) and she actually ran into tons of people from our church there... cool hey? And they were all saying, "Man, you know it's bad when you run into lots of people from your church (in Canada!!) at a Christian music festival where there's 13,000 people here and it's in the States." Then she goes, "You know it's bad when you run into a church staff member at such an event!" Hehe, that tickled my funny bone for the whole weekend :)

Anyways, I'll be sure to write stuff about camp when I get back and think of a new design for this blog while I'm away. God's blessings on you guys, my many readers - totaling uhh... 2! Or maybe the population is even less! Even so, all the best :D

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