mercredi 9 juillet 2003


I spoke too soon... yeah the mosquito bite I got yesterday on the soccer field? It's now swollen to the point where it hurts to move my leg. The back of it is covered in this painful rash. I showed it to people at camp and at church but they were a little horrified at it, so I should stop.... For a while, I was worried that it might be the West Nile Virus, but the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene says that the symptoms are primarily things like headaches and fevers and not so much swollen bites or anything, so at least that's some good news.

The archives won't be working until next week when I can spend time on it. I have been so swamped with camps that I'm behind in my work. I have to be at work tomorrow morning at 6am so I better get going... oh and my friend is going to be giving me a CSS tutorial so that this blog can look better :) Yay for computer programmers!

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