jeudi 24 juillet 2003

Last week...

Wow it's the last week for camps and for our barbeques. I am going to miss the hub-bub of activity that surrounded everything. I guess I thrive on stress & chaos, which explains why I'm so tired all the time :)

I finished "A Skeleton in God's Closet" last night way past my bedtime, but it was definitely worth it. I always finish a book I start even if I don't go to sleep until 4 or 5am! Anyways, it was such a powerful reminder of how we can take the Resurrection for granted. My eyes were opened after finishing this book and I realized how fragile faith can be. The scariest part of the book though, was what earth would look like if Christianity were non-existent. Such a horrible thought!

Now I can't wait till Sunday so I can get more books from the church library! And to go to church of course :) I hope I can relax this weekend too, July was such a hectic month! Ooh, the ice cream truck's outside! I think I will get myself a bowl from downstairs though; it's cheaper by all means!

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