mardi 22 juillet 2003

Good reading

I have been totally enraptured by the books I've been reading from the church library lately. When I read "Bamboo and Lace" by Lori Wick again for the second time, I still couldn't put it down. I think it was one of the first Christian fiction books that I read, which opened my eyes to a new world of books where faith was integrated into the stories of the characters. Not that secular books can't be a good read either, but I always notice the hopelessness that is evident in so many of them. I must say I am addicted to Christian fiction now, especially since (for most of them I hope) their purpose is to reveal God's truth as found in the Bible.

I also just read the most powerful novel I've read to date in my life last night. "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers was such an impacting book that I stayed awake in the wee hours of the night just to finish it. I don't think I've ever read of such a strong example of God's love in a character before (outside of the Bible) until I saw it evidenced in Michael Hosea, one of the protagonists in the story. To be honest, I didn't think I'd ever read such a book but my pastor's wife said I had to. And now I have to pass that on; it's definitely a book that you have to read sometime in your life!

Oh I wish it wasn't so hot today though. 33 degrees! That's baking temperature, for me anyways! Well gotta go read some other books now :)

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